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15M Rate me and tell me what I can improve in 5,11 150 pounds


New member
Sep 22, 2024
Hello my name is Oliver, I’m 15 and I joined this community to overall work on my looks and physique


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Welcome heres a guide on how to use the forum
Hello my name is Oliver, I’m 15 and I joined this community to overall work on my looks and physique
Hello my name is Oliver, I’m 15 and I joined this community to overall work on my looks and physique
Your base isn’t that bad actually I wanna say you’re a low tier normie with high tier normie potential. (I’m not good at rating so bear with me)
Loose fat
Work on your skin
Make sure you get rid of water retention
Start gymmaxxing
Lastly you might want to get a different haircut
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #4
Your base isn’t that bad actually I wanna say you’re a low tier normie with high tier normie potential. (I’m not good at rating so bear with me)
Loose fat
Work on your skin
Make sure you get rid of water retention
Start gymmaxxing
Lastly you might want to get a different haircut
For the water retention. Should I take pills or farther steps. Another thing. Your you classify my face as slanted. I appreciate the feedback
For the water retention. Should I take pills or farther steps. Another thing. Your you classify my face as slanted. I appreciate the feedback
Drink more water and eat more potassium and cut out sodium
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  • #13
be healthy manigga
idk if im tripping but is there something off with your bite?
Not that I know of. But thank you for info. I’ve gone through braces and stuff. One thing I do is sleep on the right side of my face at night
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