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2 bumps on each side under back of jaw


Jul 5, 2019
When I mew, 2 bumps appear at the left and right side under the back of my jaw (they are called mylohyoideus muscles). I also tried tongue positions that are incorrect, but the bumps still appear. Are the muscles supposed to show up?
i have that too. maybe its cancer
Togune too low or cancer maybe.
I'm very sure my tongue isn't too low and either I think it's cancer. I've read something about it and it has something to do with the connection to the hyoid bone and mandible. It helps to lift up the tongue it says or something like that
I'm very sure my tongue isn't too low and either I think it's cancer. I've read something about it and it has something to do with the connection to the hyoid bone and mandible. It helps to lift up the tongue it says or something like that
ooh got see a doctor it could be goiter.
I'm very sure my tongue isn't too low and either I think it's cancer. I've read something about it and it has something to do with the connection to the hyoid bone and mandible. It helps to lift up the tongue it says or something like that
It also could be that the bumps aren't muscles but the two salivary glands but I'm not sure
Same, i have the bumps too. When my tongue is down they are both in the center. But when i lift my tongue up, they move to the left and right sides, respectively. I don't see that as a major threat (CANCER) or mistake while mewing. Goiter is meant to be swollen way below, down near the throat and not bear the submental region though. Like Rico mentioned, they must be the salivary glands. it is all beyond control while mewing.