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Am i incel


Established ★★
Mar 16, 2024
i don't talk any other people other than forums and my family

i have never used any social media
i recently downloaded discord to play in the forum's Minecraft server but i dont use it

i got my friend on discord it took 2 weeks through WhatsApp using an alt no. cause he blocked original no. cause i called him a austric nigher cuck for no reason
i had woken up and started to prove he was a cuck and saying he will raise children of other males when he grows up
and at the end i told him my stats asked for his
and when he told me i called him austric nigher and he blocked me
I haven't talked to him other than saying hello on discord

i have never talked to a girl in 6 years
before that i had lots of female friends then puberty hit

most members here know that i have incel personality

i look like a human who is chubby

but if i try i can socialize very well i just don't like to ( i think i am coping hard)
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😭😭 talk to them bro please
i get scared or disgusted of girls

in my last school
i was talking to my mentioned friend while sitting and the third or fourth popular girl in my class tried to talk to me about lunch or sumthing for no reason and she was like this1722100531052.png

i unintentionally made a super disgusted face and looked at like i was gonna kill her
after that she never talked to me
i get scared or disgusted of girls

in my last school
i was talking to my mentioned friend while sitting and the third or fourth popular girl in my class tried to talk to me about lunch or sumthing for no reason and she was like thisView attachment 34578

i unintentionally made a super disgusted face and looked at like i was gonna kill her
after that she never talked to me
High autism trait
i get scared or disgusted of girls

in my last school
i was talking to my mentioned friend while sitting and the third or fourth popular girl in my class tried to talk to me about lunch or sumthing for no reason and she was like thisView attachment 34578

i unintentionally made a super disgusted face and looked at like i was gonna kill her
after that she never talked to me
Buds a fakecel
i get scared or disgusted of girls

in my last school
i was talking to my mentioned friend while sitting and the third or fourth popular girl in my class tried to talk to me about lunch or sumthing for no reason and she was like thisView attachment 34578

i unintentionally made a super disgusted face and looked at like i was gonna kill her
after that she never talked to me
haha my misogynistic friend does this all the time. It's very fun to watch. Super autistic trait tbh, but I get him sometimes. My advice is just not to skip school. I've done it myself, and it really isn't worth it."
its ok not to have social media
insulting and arguing with people will make it difficult to befriend them lol
tbh socializing is hard, especially with girls, its not rare.
but its bad if you dont do anything about it
i don't talk any other people other than forums and my family

i have never used any social media
i recently downloaded discord to play in the forum's Minecraft server but i dont use it

i got my friend on discord it took 2 weeks through WhatsApp using an alt no. cause he blocked original no. cause i called him a austric nigher cuck for no reason
i had woken up and started to prove he was a cuck and saying he will raise children of other males when he grows up
and at the end i told him my stats asked for his
and when he told me i called him austric nigher and he blocked me
I haven't talked to him other than saying hello on discord

i have never talked to a girl in 6 years
before that i had lots of female friends then puberty hit

most members here know that i have incel personality

i look like a human who is chubby

but if i try i can socialize very well i just don't like to ( i think i am coping hard)
images (26).jpeg
i don't talk any other people other than forums and my family

i have never used any social media
i recently downloaded discord to play in the forum's Minecraft server but i dont use it

i got my friend on discord it took 2 weeks through WhatsApp using an alt no. cause he blocked original no. cause i called him a austric nigher cuck for no reason
i had woken up and started to prove he was a cuck and saying he will raise children of other males when he grows up
and at the end i told him my stats asked for his
and when he told me i called him austric nigher and he blocked me
I haven't talked to him other than saying hello on discord

i have never talked to a girl in 6 years
before that i had lots of female friends then puberty hit

most members here know that i have incel personality

i look like a human who is chubby

but if i try i can socialize very well i just don't like to ( i think i am coping hard)
hmmm... u can try to change your gut microbiome, i read some snippet from an article about a twin study some time ago, and the abstract was that by changing the microbiome they managed to lower tism symptoms, worth trying since its kinda easy
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