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Experience Biking actually mogs so hard


I shall ascend.
Established ★★★
May 7, 2024
You can burn so many calories and without mouth breathing. Holy shit this is a cheat code
You can burn so many calories and without mouth breathing. Holy shit this is a cheat code
For me, the two best aerobics are cycling and jumping rope, they consume a lot of calories, improve your cardiovascular system and even help you grow a few centimeters
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  • #3
For me, the two best aerobics are cycling and jumping rope, they consume a lot of calories, improve your cardiovascular system and even help you grow a few centimeters
Wym by growing?
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  • #4
If that is true that explains why Dutch people are so tall
If that is true that explains why Dutch people are so tall
I believe that the height of the Dutch population is due to genetics, cycling and jumping rope do not lengthen your bones, only your muscles, making you grow a few centimeters.

I was sedentary for a good part of my life, I started going to the gym when I was almost 19, and i only did weight training until I was 19 and a half, during this period I was around 178cm. After that I started cycling and jumping rope, today I have 181 barefoot. I don't believe my bones have grown, only my muscles have stretched.
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  • #6
I believe that the height of the Dutch population is due to genetics, cycling and jumping rope do not lengthen your bones, only your muscles, making you grow a few centimeters.

I was sedentary for a good part of my life, I started going to the gym when I was almost 19, and i only did weight training until I was 19 and a half, during this period I was around 178cm. After that I started cycling and jumping rope, today I have 181 barefoot. I don't believe my bones have grown, only my muscles have stretched.
That would make sense
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  • #7
Exercise is still highly important though
agreed, as @glayu said cycling and jump roping. jump roping for 10 minutes burns as many cals as running for 30 mins.
working out can help with physical health like boosting testosterone and losing weight, which is important in height
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  • #9
agreed, as @glayu said cycling and jump roping. jump roping for 10 minutes burns as many cals as running for 30 mins.
working out can help with physical health like boosting testosterone and losing weight, which is important in height
Yea I biked 52 miles today and my leanness was going crazy even though I ate like shit
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  • #10
I literally had a double burger, milkshake, and three cookies and I still think I lost weight because of the exercise
You can burn so many calories and without mouth breathing. Holy shit this is a cheat code
yes and it doesnt wear out ur ankles like walking or running

but it can be a looksmin if u get one of those aero bikes that gives u bad posture

u want this bike posture:


this bike posture will make u incel:
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  • #13
That sounds fun but I still think biking mogs

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