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Dec 13, 2019

Bisphenols are still not banned worldwide. There are multiple Bisphenols as well as
other Xenoestrogens (Mentioned at the end), but the most well-studied one is Bisphenol A,
and yet, it is still not banned.

Bisphenol A is currently produced at roughly 5 million metric tons worldwide in 2018,
with roughly 1 million metric tons only in the US (which was at 500 thousand metric
tons in 1990).



Bisphenol A can be absorbed trough the skin, trough inhalation and orally.

It is found in most, if not all plastic products and canned foods, as well as soda

Bisphenol A has been detected in almost all adults and children tested, inside a pregnant
woman's womb, umbilical cord blood, breast milk.

High levels of blood Bisphenol A have been showed to cause:
- Hormonal issues (Mentioned below this list)
- Male and Female infertility
- Lower sperm count and quality
- DNA Hypermethylation in offspring (Impaired cell processes such as Cell Death,
Cell Division, DNA Repair, which can cause growth-related issues, one of which is Cancer)
- Insulin Resistance (Which has been shown to be maintained by Estrogen, possibly trough
AMPK activation and other ways)
- Premature birth and miscarriage (Most often with males)
- Inflammation (Trough inflammatory markers)

It is as estrogenic as endogenous Estrogen, but not as strong of a binding affinity,
so it can also act as an antagonist if the level of endogenous Estrogen is higher.
Similar effects can be seen for Androgen and Thyroid receptors as well.

Doses of ~50mg/kg and up have shown to be able to reduce Testosterone by ~75%.

Rats fed 2 nanograms/g of Bisphenol A during pregnancy have had more aggresive children,
which was proven to be mediated by Estrogen. They also had a ~25% lower testicle weight
compared to the rats not fed Bisphenol A.

Bisphenol A in doses from 0.4mg/kg to 4mg/kg along with 0.5mg/kg Testosterone Proprionate
in rats lowered the Testosterone, number of Androgen receptors and GABA-A receptors in the
brain and worsened anxiety and depression in males, but not females.

Females with higher levels of Bisphenol A in their blood had a linear increase in
Testosterone levels. There have also been multiple correlations between PCOS and blood
levels of Bisphenol A .


Bottled Water (Plastic Bottle) Bisphenol A content:
- ~0.15ng/ml or ~150ngl (China)
- ~0.25ng/ml or ~250ng/l (China)
- ~0.75ng/ml or ~750ng/l (Canada)
- ~0.005ng/ml or ~5ng/l (Saudi Arabia)
- ~0.005ng/ml or ~5ng/l (India)
- ~0.005ng/ml or ~5ng/l (Japan)
- ...

Food Bisphenol A content:
- Eggs: ~0.5ng/g (China)
- Milk (Plastic Bottle): ~10ng/g (Greece)
- Canned Fish: ~50ng/g (New Zealand)
- Canned Fish: ~25ng/g (United Kingdom)
- Canned Fish: ~25ng/g (Austria)
- Fish: ~0.5ng/g (China)
- Frozen Seafood: ~100ng/g (Singapore)
- Canned Meat: ~40ng/g (New Zealand)
- Meat: ~5ng/g (China)
- Baby Formula: ~180ng/g (United Kingdom)
- Honey: ~15ng/g (Japan)
- Canned Pet Food: ~100ng/g (Japan)
- Wine: ~1ng/g (Austria)
- Canned Vegetables and Fruits: ~200ng/g (Spain)
- Canned Vegetables and Fruits: ~50ng/g (Japan)
- ...


We will never again be able to reach our full potential in any area of our lives. Nowadays
300ng/dl of Total Testosterone is considered 'normal'.
Back in the day, before the actual term 'hormone' was coined and when Testosterone was
barely just synthesized for the first time, around the beginning of the 20th century,
they used to be much higher. It was around the time more Xenoestrogens started to
be introduced in the environment that we even started to find out about our sex hormones
and finding out how they even worked.

Using current estimations for yearly decline of Testosterone (~-1.5% per year),
we could estimate average levels of ~1000ng/dl, from the current average
levels of ~400ng/dl.
This is not to mention the amount of not only Xenoestrogens, that can reduce Testosterone,
but actualy anti-androgens which are very high in number all around us.

Although not definitive, smoking, which has been stupidly demonized to death, is
associated in tens of correlational studies with higher Testosterone and lower Estrogen. A study from the 1980s
showed the 1-4 packs a day smokers had ~200ng/dl more Total Testosterone and ~10ng/dl more
Free Testosterone than the non-smokers. This is to say, the dropping number of cigarette
smokers has declined along with the level of Testosterone of men.

What also happened along the years is an increase in self-care and grooming in men. An
increase in the use of Perfume, Shampoo, Shower Gel, Toothpaste, Skin Products, Hair
Products, Deodorants, an increase in pseudo-healthy eating (More plant foods, following
the Government-recommended plant-based eating pyramid, which increases the amount of
phytoestrogens consumed: Isoflavones, Lignans, Coumestans, ...) and the consumption of
Supplements, most of which are estrogenic, especially the ones marketed for libido,
since libido is mediated by Estrogen, not Testosterone (although a minimum level of
50ng/dl was required for the Estrogen-induced increase in libido).

Unfortunately, all of these products are packed with Bisphenols, Styrene, Phtalates,
Metalloestrogens/androgens, Alkylphenols, certain Pesticides, ...

There are too many hormonal disruptors in the environment. They are in everything from
your food and water to your grooming products to your clothes to your furniture to
almost everything you come in contact with.

We have come to the point where it seems that we are definitely getting fucked with on
purpose. I am looking forward to the day when the air will be polluted with so many
estrogens that the ones who laughed at all my posts on Xenoestrogens will grow a nice
pair of D-cups to suit their feminine permanently stunted brain.

Bisphenols are still not banned worldwide. There are multiple Bisphenols as well as
other Xenoestrogens (Mentioned at the end), but the most well-studied one is Bisphenol A,
and yet, it is still not banned.

Bisphenol A is currently produced at roughly 5 million metric tons worldwide in 2018,
with roughly 1 million metric tons only in the US (which was at 500 thousand metric
tons in 1990).

View attachment 8076


Bisphenol A can be absorbed trough the skin, trough inhalation and orally.

It is found in most, if not all plastic products and canned foods, as well as soda

Bisphenol A has been detected in almost all adults and children tested, inside a pregnant
woman's womb, umbilical cord blood, breast milk.

High levels of blood Bisphenol A have been showed to cause:
- Hormonal issues (Mentioned below this list)
- Male and Female infertility
- Lower sperm count and quality
- DNA Hypermethylation in offspring (Impaired cell processes such as Cell Death,
Cell Division, DNA Repair, which can cause growth-related issues, one of which is Cancer)
- Insulin Resistance (Which has been shown to be maintained by Estrogen, possibly trough
AMPK activation and other ways)
- Premature birth and miscarriage (Most often with males)
- Inflammation (Trough inflammatory markers)

It is as estrogenic as endogenous Estrogen, but not as strong of a binding affinity,
so it can also act as an antagonist if the level of endogenous Estrogen is higher.
Similar effects can be seen for Androgen and Thyroid receptors as well.

Doses of ~50mg/kg and up have shown to be able to reduce Testosterone by ~75%.

Rats fed 2 nanograms/g of Bisphenol A during pregnancy have had more aggresive children,
which was proven to be mediated by Estrogen. They also had a ~25% lower testicle weight
compared to the rats not fed Bisphenol A.

Bisphenol A in doses from 0.4mg/kg to 4mg/kg along with 0.5mg/kg Testosterone Proprionate
in rats lowered the Testosterone, number of Androgen receptors and GABA-A receptors in the
brain and worsened anxiety and depression in males, but not females.

Females with higher levels of Bisphenol A in their blood had a linear increase in
Testosterone levels. There have also been multiple correlations between PCOS and blood
levels of Bisphenol A .


Bottled Water (Plastic Bottle) Bisphenol A content:
- ~0.15ng/ml or ~150ngl (China)
- ~0.25ng/ml or ~250ng/l (China)
- ~0.75ng/ml or ~750ng/l (Canada)
- ~0.005ng/ml or ~5ng/l (Saudi Arabia)
- ~0.005ng/ml or ~5ng/l (India)
- ~0.005ng/ml or ~5ng/l (Japan)
- ...

Food Bisphenol A content:
- Eggs: ~0.5ng/g (China)
- Milk (Plastic Bottle): ~10ng/g (Greece)
- Canned Fish: ~50ng/g (New Zealand)
- Canned Fish: ~25ng/g (United Kingdom)
- Canned Fish: ~25ng/g (Austria)
- Fish: ~0.5ng/g (China)
- Frozen Seafood: ~100ng/g (Singapore)
- Canned Meat: ~40ng/g (New Zealand)
- Meat: ~5ng/g (China)
- Baby Formula: ~180ng/g (United Kingdom)
- Honey: ~15ng/g (Japan)
- Canned Pet Food: ~100ng/g (Japan)
- Wine: ~1ng/g (Austria)
- Canned Vegetables and Fruits: ~200ng/g (Spain)
- Canned Vegetables and Fruits: ~50ng/g (Japan)
- ...


We will never again be able to reach our full potential in any area of our lives. Nowadays
300ng/dl of Total Testosterone is considered 'normal'.
Back in the day, before the actual term 'hormone' was coined and when Testosterone was
barely just synthesized for the first time, around the beginning of the 20th century,
they used to be much higher. It was around the time more Xenoestrogens started to
be introduced in the environment that we even started to find out about our sex hormones
and finding out how they even worked.

Using current estimations for yearly decline of Testosterone (~-1.5% per year),
we could estimate average levels of ~1000ng/dl, from the current average
levels of ~400ng/dl.
This is not to mention the amount of not only Xenoestrogens, that can reduce Testosterone,
but actualy anti-androgens which are very high in number all around us.

Although not definitive, smoking, which has been stupidly demonized to death, is
associated in tens of correlational studies with higher Testosterone and lower Estrogen. A study from the 1980s
showed the 1-4 packs a day smokers had ~200ng/dl more Total Testosterone and ~10ng/dl more
Free Testosterone than the non-smokers. This is to say, the dropping number of cigarette
smokers has declined along with the level of Testosterone of men.

What also happened along the years is an increase in self-care and grooming in men. An
increase in the use of Perfume, Shampoo, Shower Gel, Toothpaste, Skin Products, Hair
Products, Deodorants, an increase in pseudo-healthy eating (More plant foods, following
the Government-recommended plant-based eating pyramid, which increases the amount of
phytoestrogens consumed: Isoflavones, Lignans, Coumestans, ...) and the consumption of
Supplements, most of which are estrogenic, especially the ones marketed for libido,
since libido is mediated by Estrogen, not Testosterone (although a minimum level of
50ng/dl was required for the Estrogen-induced increase in libido).

Unfortunately, all of these products are packed with Bisphenols, Styrene, Phtalates,
Metalloestrogens/androgens, Alkylphenols, certain Pesticides, ...

There are too many hormonal disruptors in the environment. They are in everything from
your food and water to your grooming products to your clothes to your furniture to
almost everything you come in contact with.

We have come to the point where it seems that we are definitely getting fucked with on
purpose. I am looking forward to the day when the air will be polluted with so many
estrogens that the ones who laughed at all my posts on Xenoestrogens will grow a nice
pair of D-cups to suit their feminine permanently stunted brain.
Nice copy and paste
supplements lol
retards were pushing megadosing supplement memes for higher test/e ratio and it backfired