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Discussion BLACKPILL: 3 hours until Mother Dearest comes home and I will Have to lock myself in my room

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  • #4
what happened bhai
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  • #6
She loves to fucking ramble and yell at me whenever she getsmad
even though I never listen and its not about communicating she forces me to acknowledge her because its a power thing
she loves make me submit and emasculating me because she hates my incel ass naturally since i am ugly but she wants me to be dependent on her and meek
OH. I thougjt this thread was fake ngl😭
She loves to fucking ramble and yell at me whenever she getsmad
even though I never listen and its not about communicating she forces me to acknowledge her because its a power thing
she loves make me submit and emasculating me because she hates my incel ass naturally since i am ugly but she wants me to be dependent on her and meek
my mom hates me to twinning!!

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