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Method Botox masseter reduction. 6 month update. Hollow cheeks achieved

very cool I have this big cheek problem in addition I'm gaining weight so it doesn't help, I'm thinking of doing a bichectomy when I have the perfect physique at 85kg dry for 1.85, and doing injections in the cheekbones then a fat graft I think and a facelift
very nice . I was told by a ps doctor, I need this because the boTom of my face is to heavy and is not symetric because of a habit of gum chewing on wide side of my mouth throughout my life.
I was scared this would narrow my jaw to much and take away the masculine look . Any feedback or advice ?
looks great on you. I see some before and afters and the jaw changes to much from this procedure and a males jaw is femininized to much.. not the case with you at all.
Another question have you lost bf% because you face looked more defined in the after . ? Another reason I haven’t got this done yet. I wanna drop bf to see how much of the width is from my bf% being to high
Amazing results! You nice hair really compliments those hollow cheeks.
This is like that thread where they were saying how jaw masculinization decreases the odds of getting laid. It seems clear that growing jaw muscles would make one an incel and decrease the chance of getting laid. And yet, while one might become an incel and have worse aesthetics, I believe a larger muscle would offer an enhanced fighting ability. So having manchild cheeks that don't look masculine is actually masculine, and having masculine looking jaw is feminine.

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