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Can I have a rating ? F 16 blasian 94lbs

ltb🙏 holy cow ur so skinny goalz 😍😍
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Lies, don’t believe this, there’s women at 60 who began working out and transformed, you’re at a great place to start
never said nothing was going to change just nothing naturally meaning that if she wants to change she can’t hope
F off if you’re going to be instilling doubt weirdo
And i’m not installing doubt not being a weirdo, you can’t glow up without doing anything past puberty lol i’m just checking her reality
And i’m not installing doubt not being a weirdo, you can’t glow up without doing anything past puberty lol i’m just checking her reality
Check your own reality, puberty is a hormonal growth development phase , your tounge and posture effects your physical structure over time period.
never said nothing was going to change just nothing naturally meaning that if she wants to change she can’t hope
Hope is one thing, knowing it’s another, we now KNOW that mewing changes posture and structure so bro what else
ehhh that isn’t strictly the case. Estradiol causes bone to stop increasing in length/volume, so women tend to stop growing earlier than men would
except that isn't strictly the case either, point being she still very likely has some growing left

The insinuation, which is that someone should just hardmaxx before they've even given themselves a chance to fully grow, is retarded
Hope is one thing, knowing it’s another, we now KNOW that mewing changes posture and structure so bro what else
no we DONT know that that works lol, you have sone opinion on it which i have disproven multiple times excpet you somehow do not know the difference between causation and correlation
no we DONT know that that works lol, you have sone opinion on it which i have disproven multiple times excpet you somehow do not know the difference between causation and correlation
We do, I’ve been mewing before you knew your times tables
