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Buddy Boyo

LGBTQP+ supporter
Jul 24, 2019
Neoples Buttcunt
Are there any real effective Methods for dick maxxing?

Ive personally think Manual dick maxxing via jelqing, pumping does not work, or at least only for a small minority of guys

but lately ive came across chemical PE, and i think it could work

Here a very interesting thread About chemical pe

"The following experimental examples are illustrative of the use of this invention.
Example 1 A male patient, age 41, was treated with intracavernosal injections of a vasodilator, prostaglandin El, on a regular basis (approximately four to five times per week) over an 18 month treatment period. A sufficient quantity was administered to maintain a prolonged engorgement of an erectile response between 40-75% over a period of several hours, generally 3 to 6 hours. The quantity of medication was adjusted from time to time in accordance with the patient's response, which was monitored at least weekly.
The size of the patient's fully erect penis increased from 5.8 inches to 8.6 inches in length (about an 48% increase) and 3.7 inches to 5.8 inches in girth (about an 56% increase) over the 18-month treatment period. Following the discontinuation of this treatment, the erect penis length remained stable for two years at over 8 1/2 inches. Treatment was re- institued combining intracavemosal injections 3-4 times per week of a mixture of testosterone (0.5 mg) and vasodilators with low dose oral Potaba (500-1000 mg) 3-4 times per day. After a short treatment period of 2 1/2 months, the patient's erect penis was over 9 inches in length, which means he has gained an additional 0.4-0. 5 inches in length (about an 6% increase). The total increase in length was therefore about 3.2 inches (about an 55% increase) in length."

theres also a Blogger named ronielle montreal who does the same, he has gained a enormous amount of girth and length

The Problem is that it's relatively hard to get caverject along with PGE1
jfl at putting a syringe anywhere near your dick. just jelq and ADS contrary to popular belief theres very little chance of permanent injury unless youre a moron
hmmm sounds interesting I'll do some research into it.
Extra Chromosome made a chemical dickmaxxing thread
