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No she is 100% a n***a man ur just too ashamed to admit shes a black person who moggs most of the white white women uk
White, probably rhinoplasty nose. White eyes(or makeup/surgery to make them look white). Idk what r you on

She does mog most white women, cuz she looks more white than them
White, probably rhinoplasty nose. White eyes(or makeup/surgery to make them look white). Idk what r you on

She does mog most white women, cuz she looks more white than them
“looks more white than them” u r****d she’s fully black the same way that white girl is fully white. not all white people have small nose the same way not all black peoples have big noses. there’s no way you’re actually this much of a r****d☠️
“looks more white than them” u r****d she’s fully black the same way that white girl is fully white. not all white people have small nose the same way not all black peoples have big noses. there’s no way you’re actually this much of a r****d☠️
Small nose is a white feature. Big nose is a black feature. It can be different only in case of race mixing or mutation

Idk why is it so hard to understand. Europeans are vastly superior in terms of looks, and every other race is trying to look like us
Small nose is a white feature. Big nose is a black feature. It can be different only in case of race mixing or mutation

Idk why is it so hard to understand. Europeans are vastly superior in terms of looks, and every other race is trying to look like us
small noses is not specific to white people, the same way big noses is not specific to black people. there are many white people with big huge noses, NOT mixed. there’s also black people with small noses that aren’t mixed. i won’t lie that small noses don’t look better, they do. BUT it’s not race specific to only white poeple.
Small nose is a white feature. Big nose is a black feature. It can be different only in case of race mixing or mutation

Idk why is it so hard to understand. Europeans are vastly superior in terms of looks, and every other race is trying to look like us

small noses is not specific to white people, the same way big noses is not specific to black people. there are many white people with big huge noses, NOT mixed. there’s also black people with small noses that aren’t mixed. i won’t lie that small noses don’t look better, they do. BUT it’s not race specific to only white poeple.

wide alar base is a negroid and aboriginal(mongoloids sometimes have them too but specific mongoloids not all ) feature people who have negroid and/or aboriginal dna usually have white noses

the girl has rare genes so small nose but still she has flared nostril and nose wider than small nosed whites
Women who had a child are usually too old to be attractive. Anything over 22 is meh and can’t be 8+
8+ white women are super rare and don't like to have children

and they are cheaters
Small nose is a white feature. Big nose is a black feature. It can be different only in case of race mixing or mutation

Idk why is it so hard to understand. Europeans are vastly superior in terms of looks, and every other race is trying to look like us
That's cope tons of white people getting perms for curly hair lip fillers tans etc black people getting straight hair lighting skin rhinoplasty it's all cope each race is trying to be something there not well not race but a vast majority of people race doesn't matter because chad is Stacey are it's own
That's cope tons of white people getting perms for curly hair lip fillers tans etc black people getting straight hair lighting skin rhinoplasty it's all cope each race is trying to be something there not well not race but a vast majority of people race doesn't matter because chad is Stacey are it's own
:donowall::donowall::donowall::donowall::donowall::donowall::donowall::donowall::donowall::donowall::donowall: :donowall: :donowall: :donowall:
That's cope tons of white people getting perms for curly hair lip fillers tans etc black people getting straight hair lighting skin rhinoplasty it's all cope each race is trying to be something there not well not race but a vast majority of people race doesn't matter because chad is Stacey are it's own
True about lip fillers, although it's because full lips are a sign of youth and beaty, not to look like n*****s.

Tan is a sign of being financially secure, so it's considered attractive nowadays. Was the opposite a couple hundred years ago. Also, has nothing to do with other races

Idk about curly hair. I never see whites with curly hair

Cope. Race matters a lot. Ltr is impossible for POC in any majority white country. As for hookups - maybe it matters less, but still a huge L. And when you count social interactions outside of platonic ones - it is over for POC. No jaw and eyes will make you more likable than being the same race
Cap. I overrated a few POC cuz I forgot to add “in your ethnic group”. Never really overrated whites
u do

also whats poc

and don't be racist if dean sees u being too racist then its over:banned:
Have you seen o pry talk? Bluepilled loser with no spine and ego

No wonder why his wife dumped him. He was also probably a gentleman xd
bro u say that cuz ur russian

if u don't talk nicely then they don't pay u attention in rest of the world (unless you have 7/10 smv)
u do

also whats poc

and don't be racist if dean sees u being too racist then its over:banned:
I do not! I rate on the basis of how they would do compared to average people, where mtn(5/10) is average. Cba measuring faces, anyway measurments are kinda cap

POC - people of color

Bruh, no way .com is turning into reddit. Can’t even be racist here
bro u say that cuz ur russian

if u don't talk nicely then they don't pay u attention in rest of the world (unless you have 7/10 smv)
You don’t have to be a beta to be nice. You can be eccentric and narcissistic, and still be nice. Practically every big womanizer was that

Kinda personal experience also. Dad has 1k+ body count, so I think I know what I am talking about. Haven’t seen his early “adventures” but I see how he does it right now
