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Serious Don't make this like the org forum


Professional Thugmaxxer ( user)
Sep 12, 2024
the penitentiary
I just got spammed bombed with a gif like its org. I made my decision to head this forum as it seemed to be a more mature community for the most part compared to org. Of course I will return to org if Im unbanned but this forum when it comes to the members maturity is def better (could be because were forced to but it still counts). Im only going to be here for a short time and I rather enjoy it while I still can. Just don't take such a good trait about this forum away from me. This is not a joke thread so don't throw out stupid stuff in the replies if you do.
I just got spammed bombed with a gif like its org. I made my decision to head this forum as it seemed to be a more mature community for the most part compared to org. Of course I will return to org if Im unbanned but this forum when it comes to the members maturity is def better (could be because were forced to but it still counts). Im only going to be here for a short time and I rather enjoy it while I still can. Just don't take such a good trait about this forum away from me. This is not a joke thread so don't throw out stupid stuff in the replies if you do.
That guy has been doing that for awhile he used to spam dislike to
.com is more mature about blackpill and looksmaxxing, it's not a troll/shitposting forum like .org
I just got spammed bombed with a gif like its org. I made my decision to head this forum as it seemed to be a more mature community for the most part compared to org. Of course I will return to org if Im unbanned but this forum when it comes to the members maturity is def better (could be because were forced to but it still counts). Im only going to be here for a short time and I rather enjoy it while I still can. Just don't take such a good trait about this forum away from me. This is not a joke thread so don't throw out stupid stuff in the replies if you do.
tbh it’s only a matter of time until it does become .org 2.0 it’s inevitable in these circles

Definitely appreciate the forum currently does give you some form of brain activation and some emotional investment tho, in particular thanks to my bhai @6PSLcel

Also the staff are also super cool here

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