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Has anyone built a Red Light Therapy device?

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  • #2
Go ebay. Find redlight panel. Make sure it's a 100 watt to 300 watt one. Those tend to be real. Masks. Small lamps and grow lights don't do shit
get red LED lights
Red light therapy does not merely mean that the light has to be red and that's it. There certain wavelengths and other things attached to real red light masks
Red light therapy does not merely mean that the light has to be red and that's it. There certain wavelengths and other things attached to real red light masks
please reread what you wrote
im actually laughing rn what
what the fuck do you mean certain wavelengths attached im jfl rn 🤣, did you not learn this at school at least?
red light in itself is a wavelength. red light is around 700nm (its a range). you cannot attach a wavelength, a wavelength is a property of light
not only that, but LEDs have been scientifically proven to be good for red light therapy and are a popular choice in the market.
"Red light therapy mask. This fits over your entire face and has red LED lights on the inside, pointed toward your skin. It is designed to be worn for a short length of time several times a week. It's used as a treatment for acne, wrinkles, or other facial skin concerns.
Red light therapy bed. This looks like a tanning bed but has red LED lights instead of UV lights. It is big enough for you to lie down inside, and your whole body is exposed to red light.
Red light therapy panel. This is a panel of red LED lights that you can mount on a wall or place on a table, either at a clinic or home. Panels range in size from small to large. Small panels are used for targeted areas such as your face, and large panels can target larger areas of your body.
Red light therapy wand. These are handheld devices that have red LED lights at one end. You use them by moving the wand over your skin in the areas that you want to treat. They are used to treat very small areas, such as the back of the hands, one knee, or a particular spot on the face."

notice how each of them say red LED light
i am not at all wrong when i say it is perfectly fine to buy red led lights and use them on your face. these red light therapy devices are just in different forms for usage like wands or masks
please reread what you wrote
im actually laughing rn what
what the f**k do you mean certain wavelengths attached im jfl rn 🤣, did you not learn this at school at least?
red light in itself is a wavelength. red light is around 700nm (its a range). you cannot attach a wavelength, a wavelength is a property of light
not only that, but LEDs have been scientifically proven to be good for red light therapy and are a popular choice in the market.
"Red light therapy mask. This fits over your entire face and has red LED lights on the inside, pointed toward your skin. It is designed to be worn for a short length of time several times a week. It's used as a treatment for acne, wrinkles, or other facial skin concerns.
Red light therapy bed. This looks like a tanning bed but has red LED lights instead of UV lights. It is big enough for you to lie down inside, and your whole body is exposed to red light.
Red light therapy panel. This is a panel of red LED lights that you can mount on a wall or place on a table, either at a clinic or home. Panels range in size from small to large. Small panels are used for targeted areas such as your face, and large panels can target larger areas of your body.
Red light therapy wand. These are handheld devices that have red LED lights at one end. You use them by moving the wand over your skin in the areas that you want to treat. They are used to treat very small areas, such as the back of the hands, one knee, or a particular spot on the face."

notice how each of them say red LED light
i am not at all wrong when i say it is perfectly fine to buy red led lights and use them on your face. these red light therapy devices are just in different forms for usage like wands or masks
Yeah, I'm stupid. Just looked up a few things. Idek what I was trying to say 😂
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #9
Go ebay. Find redlight panel. Make sure it's a 100 watt to 300 watt one. Those tend to be real. Masks. Small lamps and grow lights don't do shit
thanks, I found one

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