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Discussion Height question [Possibly Low IQ]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Neo
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heritability of height is 80 percent
Scientists estimate that about 80 percent of an individual’s height

I see statistics like this all over the internet. The other 20% is due to envionmental factors (supposedly). Although I have seen some estimates saying there is a 60-40 split. Soooooooooo, if I do the maths.

My height = 5'10 (177.8cm)

5'10 into inches = 70.5

Round down to 70 inches to make the maths easier.

10% of 70 inches = 7
20% of 70inches = 14

14 + 70 = 84 inches

84/12= 7

Theoretically, my max potential height is 7 (213.36cm)

Am I calculating it right?
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Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild/Height

1.8 m

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I have Angela Merkel and Obama
on speed dial awaiting their orders.
besides your shit maths, we dont know how much is genetics and how much is environment since we dont know how many genes there are that contribute to height. it could be 100% genetic for all we know. it's just estimations pulled out of their asses
besides your shit maths, we dont know how much is genetics and how much is environment since we dont know how many genes there are that contribute to height. it could be 100% genetic for all we know. it's just estimations pulled out of their asses
I'd say the environment and your lifestyle influences how the genes will change throughout generations.
Example: the Masai group of Africans eat a largely meat/blood-based diet and the average height is 6 foot+
I don't buy the envoirement b.s
Even if you don't have access to quality food you'll grow based on your genetics.
The only thing that could stunt your growth is literal starvation.
It'll matter maybe 2-3 centimeters (one inch) but it won't change your height range.
If you are supposed to be short you'll be short
If you're supposed to be medium height you'll be medium height
If you're supposed to be tall you'll be tall.
I'd say the environment and your lifestyle influences how the genes will change throughout generations.
Example: the Masai group of Africans eat a largely meat/blood-based diet and the average height is 6 foot+
high carb diet combined with high protein and highish fat is much better for growth based on my very thorough research (i was fapping to minecraft creeper porn while reserching)
bro that's just ogremaxxing diet
you maximize IGF-1/2 + Leptin + T/E and increase free hormones in the blood tbh

eat like that and exercise and you'll be good when it comes to reaching potential
I'd say the environment and your lifestyle influences how the genes will change throughout generations.
Example: the Masai group of Africans eat a largely meat/blood-based diet and the average height is 6 foot+
and they live in an outside environment which means their microbiome helps synthesis beneficial vitamins etc. and strengthens the immune system.
@Neo , trust me you can grow till 20. Swimming and skipping will benefit. Eat a healthy balanced diet (include meats), drink lots of milk and avoid heavy weight training. I'm 6'1'', 17 yo, just wanna grow 1.5 inches more tbh. I reckon you can grow till 238 cm. It's all possible from my personal experience. Genetics do play a major role (my mom being 5'3'' and dad being 5'10''), but have the dedication and you'll grow tall without fail.
Daily reminder if youre not a big framed and tall cro magnon giga slayer its alright to commit suicide