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How do white boys feel after this?

I don't need breeding VISA I can slay in Europe. I will LARP as a Persian bad boy 👿


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Tyrone gets into 15 school hallway fights through middle and highschool, cusses out teachers, randomly insults people for not having $500 Jordans, shoots innocent civilians = Giga Nt darktriad slayer

white boy says hi = creepy school shooter
in nigeria
Even if they had breeding visas ( which is such an out of the world concept that only severe porn addicts or western degenerates online would only believe )

They would probably only let other ethnicities of close genetic relation to do it jfl
Even if they had breeding visas ( which is such an out of the world concept that only severe porn addicts or western degenerates online would only believe )

They would probably only let other ethnicities of close genetic relation to do it jfl
yeah fr it’s not like if you get one that you automatically get a girlfriend, also just a stupid extremely unlikely concept
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #22
Even if they had breeding visas ( which is such an out of the world concept that only severe porn addicts or western degenerates online would only believe )

They would probably only let other ethnicities of close genetic relation to do it jfl
Bro what the fuck

Did u reply to the wrong thread or something ?
Tyrone gets into 15 school hallway fights through middle and highschool, cusses out teachers, randomly insults people for not having $500 Jordans, shoots innocent civilians = Giga Nt darktriad slayer

white boy says hi = creepy school shooter
Well maybe white boys should start getting into more fight. I mean fighting is attractive. Duh.

And come off it, you're comparing the most stereotypical black dudes with the most timid white dudes. Of course there's gonna be a huge difference in how they're treated.
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  • #26
Well maybe white boys should start getting into more fight. I mean fighting is attractive. Duh.

And come off it, you're comparing the most stereotypical black dudes with the most timid white dudes. Of course there's gonna be a huge difference in how they're treated.
Well maybe white boys should start getting into more fight. I mean fighting is attractive. Duh.

And come off it, you're comparing the most stereotypical black dudes with the most timid white dudes. Of course there's gonna be a huge difference in how they're treated.
Very low class, this is why most blacks end up with ghetto girls or women with family issues.

67 percent of African Americans live in a single parent household
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