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Guide How to increase positivity level?


Well-known member
Aug 15, 2023
I'm an incel so its somewhat difficult to be as positive as non-incels. I have my copes, but the problem is I want to increase my positivity level for this.

For example, when I asked what videogame to play, someone suggested Mario Kart 8. I am a mario kart 8 veteran. So it is starting to feel a bit stale to me. What I am wondering is how do I increase my positivity level, so that the game feels brand new? When the game felt brand new I felt more positive and less like I was eating stale bread. I want to feel like a soycuck holding a switch in their hands.

I feel this also applies to other walks of life, for example what if someone explored an area IRL and it no longer feels as exciting as before. For example what if someone works at the same shop all day and they are tired of the scenery and drudgery.

So I feel this thread will benefit even non-incel normies too.
nature, cleanliness
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nature, cleanliness
i spend a lot of time in nature

how do you solve the problem of going on the same nature hikes over and over
I'm an incel so its somewhat difficult to be as positive as non-incels. I have my copes, but the problem is I want to increase my positivity level for this.

For example, when I asked what videogame to play, someone suggested Mario Kart 8. I am a mario kart 8 veteran. So it is starting to feel a bit stale to me. What I am wondering is how do I increase my positivity level, so that the game feels brand new? When the game felt brand new I felt more positive and less like I was eating stale bread. I want to feel like a soycuck holding a switch in their hands.

I feel this also applies to other walks of life, for example what if someone explored an area IRL and it no longer feels as exciting as before. For example what if someone works at the same shop all day and they are tired of the scenery and drudgery.

So I feel this thread will benefit even non-incel normies too.
Look into stoicism, changed my life, I’m ridiculously gracious and happy every day of my life
Dalits are happy so I will be a Dalit
I'm an incel so its somewhat difficult to be as positive as non-incels. I have my copes, but the problem is I want to increase my positivity level for this.

For example, when I asked what videogame to play, someone suggested Mario Kart 8. I am a mario kart 8 veteran. So it is starting to feel a bit stale to me. What I am wondering is how do I increase my positivity level, so that the game feels brand new? When the game felt brand new I felt more positive and less like I was eating stale bread. I want to feel like a soycuck holding a switch in their hands.

I feel this also applies to other walks of life, for example what if someone explored an area IRL and it no longer feels as exciting as before. For example what if someone works at the same shop all day and they are tired of the scenery and drudgery.

So I feel this thread will benefit even non-incel normies too.
id reccomend smoking weed, big cope helper and lowkey helps pull
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  • #10
id reccomend smoking weed, big cope helper and lowkey helps pull
i recommend weed, creates lowinhib.

downside of weed is it made me feel less interested in gaming

i liked the total feeling of feminization it provided but not the lapse in gaming

testosterone will increase gaming but has some downsides, even testosterone cannot save you from the feeling of playing the same levels over and over.
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I’m 16, I’ve had sex a couple times, but I’m not getting laid regularly no
i am way older, maybe stoicism is easier when younger

does stoicism fix the problem of playing the same games over and over
i am way older, maybe stoicism is easier when younger

does stoicism fix the problem of playing the same games over and over
Stoicism helps with the existential stuff, it’s along the lines of “I’m never going to be in complete control, so why struggle”

For gaming I’d maybe recommend a detox, I go through periods where I don’t play anything for months at a time and it allows me to come back with the same passion every time
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  • #13
Stoicism helps with the existential stuff, it’s along the lines of “I’m never going to be in complete control, so why struggle”

For gaming I’d maybe recommend a detox, I go through periods where I don’t play anything for months at a time and it allows me to come back with the same passion every time
i took a long break from mario kart 8 for a while, it didnt help much

might help if u are young ig idk
i am way older, maybe stoicism is easier when younger

does stoicism fix the problem of playing the same games over and over
let me fix the problem of playing the same game over and over. if u dont feel like getting on the game or playing a game, dont just do something else (weed helps so much with this)
+ ur literally playing mario kart 8
i took a long break from mario kart 8 for a while, it didnt help much

might help if u are young ig idk
Yeah that’s true, you could try some new games?
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  • #16
Yeah that’s true, you could try some new games?
i do but they dont have the same umph as when i was younger

and it doesnt help that the games are actually not as good as retro games
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  • #17
let me fix the problem of playing the same game over and over. if u dont feel like getting on the game or playing a game, dont just do something else (weed helps so much with this)
+ ur literally playing mario kart 8
got some weed i might try this
i spend a lot of time in nature

how do you solve the problem of going on the same nature hikes over and over
find new paths you havent travelled, new parks, go with friends/family etc

also you could get a pet to help you be happier

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