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I have just been banned on .org for racebaiting.

Yes and he's probably the worst one
I can't stand @ascendinghero. He permabanned me for shit posting in the looksmaxxing section when I was at zero percent a couple years ago but another mod let me back on after a bunch of folks made a fuss about it. I was bullying his but buddy @Gestapo and they conspired against me.
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Aren’t you part black? Is that really racebait as well?
Yes. I tagged a bunch of people who were black that I said were n*****s that should be not only banned and also r*ped and Clavicular gave me a 20% for racebaiting which is probably going to ban me for like 2 weeks and it isn’t even racebaiting it’s fucking stupid
Yes. I tagged a bunch of people who were black that I said were n*****s that should be not only banned and also r*ped and Clavicular gave me a 20% for racebaiting which is probably going to ban me for like 2 weeks and it isn’t even racebaiting it’s f*****g stupid
Crazy statement but I don’t think it should get you banned on there

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