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If you don't mouthtape

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Petition for this Steve-O face from the Podcast to be made ...

Imagine hard mewing for 12hrs straight to lose your results by not keeping proper oral posture when you sleep plus you're gums are relaxed which means it's easier for your teeth to move and sleep on a flat pillow or no pillow as sleeping with your head raised will likely lead to your mouth dropping.
I'm not going to look like a feminist theater actress in my sleep.
I keep my teeth together in a chin tucked position while sleeping
That'll do
Mouth taping at night doesn't necessarily mean that your tongue will be on the palate of your mouth. It just means that your lips will be sealed, the chances of your tongue laying down are very high is it is all out of control. This is what you guys don't understand about this method. Mouth taping just aids to this entire maxillary shifting procedure.
Mouth taping at night doesn't necessarily mean that your tongue will be on the palate of your mouth. It just means that your lips will be sealed, the chances of your tongue laying down are very high is it is all out of control. This is what you guys don't understand about this method. Mouth taping just aids to this entire maxillary shifting procedure.
Buying an anti-snoring headstrap however, does stop your jaw from falling down. Thanks for reminding me buddy boyo.
Buying an anti-snoring headstrap however, does stop your jaw from falling down. Thanks for reminding me buddy boyo.
What about the tongue though? Does it fall down too?
I usuallty just put my my duvet up tighg below my chin so my mouth doesn't fall open
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I usuallty just put my my duvet up tighg below my chin so my mouth doesn't fall open
I use the elastic from an old pair of boxers and ducktape a section together inorder to tighten around my skull.
I use the elastic from an old pair of boxers and ducktape a section together inorder to tighten around my skull.

Ngl the idea of blocking oxygen from my mouth during sleep scares me, I have allergies so I don't wanna just tape shut my mouth it seems dangerous
Ngl the idea of blocking oxygen from my mouth during sleep scares me, I have allergies so I don't wanna just tape shut my mouth it seems dangerous
butekyo breathe, antihistamines, massaging the sinsuses to remove stuffiness.
very high effory, you did this for me? how sweet

i love that you put so much effort just to please me horse

Im just glad you've come to terms with who you really are Nick, it was about time you came out