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I am too busy solving complex geometrical problems
Established ★
Oct 2, 2023
The Paragon

Half of the plants gardened are just flowering fruits, the plants grown in the plots are edible vegetation.

She just had us eat harvest and eat some peas! You can't see them I'm the picture but they grow like vines around the fence so it's all the way back. ( Third picture, middle far left, the vines ).

@JohnnyCage @tami_26 @pookiebear @Whitepill @fable @Dandelions @Dean @AstroSky
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View attachment 33780

Half of the plants gardened are just flowering fruits, the plants grown in the plots are edible vegetation.

She just had us eat harvest and eat some peas! You can't see them I'm the picture but they grow like vines around the fence so it's all the way back. ( Third picture, middle far left, the vines ).

@JohnnyCage @tami_26 @pookiebear @Whitepill @fable @Dandelions @Dean @AstroSky
They look so nice bhai i always wished to have a home sorrounded by nature and plants
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  • #9
They look so nice bhai i always wished to have a home sorrounded by nature and plants
Rural areas are always very beautiful. On picture 3 there was a coconut tree. We got coconuts and drank them while sitting outside with my dad and grandma it was very relaxing.

Tomorrow or the day after we will be harvesting durians.
Rural areas are always very beautiful. On picture 3 there was a coconut tree. We got coconuts and drank them while sitting outside with my dad and grandma it was very relaxing.

Tomorrow or the day after we will be harvesting durians.
What is a durian
Rural areas are always very beautiful. On picture 3 there was a coconut tree. We got coconuts and drank them while sitting outside with my dad and grandma it was very relaxing.

Tomorrow or the day after we will be harvesting durians.
Heaven literally
I'm gonna shift to north east or nepal in future
I fucking love grass
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View attachment 33780

Half of the plants gardened are just flowering fruits, the plants grown in the plots are edible vegetation.

She just had us eat harvest and eat some peas! You can't see them I'm the picture but they grow like vines around the fence so it's all the way back. ( Third picture, middle far left, the vines ).

@JohnnyCage @tami_26 @pookiebear @Whitepill @fable @Dandelions @Dean @AstroSky
I wish I had a garden like this. would lay all day in the grass and eat raspberrys
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View attachment 33780

Half of the plants gardened are just flowering fruits, the plants grown in the plots are edible vegetation.

She just had us eat harvest and eat some peas! You can't see them I'm the picture but they grow like vines around the fence so it's all the way back. ( Third picture, middle far left, the vines ).

@JohnnyCage @tami_26 @pookiebear @Whitepill @fable @Dandelions @Dean @AstroSky
Looks very cozy, good vibes
View attachment 33777
View attachment 33778
View attachment 33779
View attachment 33780

Half of the plants gardened are just flowering fruits, the plants grown in the plots are edible vegetation.

She just had us eat harvest and eat some peas! You can't see them I'm the picture but they grow like vines around the fence so it's all the way back. ( Third picture, middle far left, the vines ).

@JohnnyCage @tami_26 @pookiebear @Whitepill @fable @Dandelions @Dean @AstroSky
Looks nice
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