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Experience little yap thread about my experience going from skinny and beautiful to fat and ugly


Jul 22, 2024
I was a short, skinny child with a lean, attractive face (5-11). Girls my age would look at me and acknowledge me, call me pretty and compliment me, unwarrantedly touched me and sit next to me, followed me around etc. and whatever else. I would model for a few children's clothing brands and my pale-skinned, blonde hair light green eyes fully white mother who has fucked black guys her whole life and grew up in a trailer park in Indiana would non-stop post me all over her Facebook page going "Look at my biracial child!" like I'm a fucking diploma on her wall.

Now being fat and ugly that kind of special treatment is one that I could only ever dream of. I will not go into detail of my descent into absolute sub-humanity but I'm essentially an office plant. I'm a very big, very tall person and I carry it well so I'm not actively avoided, and I'm not too ugly in the face (I've been told) so girls aren't really disgusted, but they aren't interested at all either. I weirdly get looked/stared at every now and again, never really in a bad way but more like a "Wow." way, but never complimented since there is nothing about my physical appearance that is necessarily attractive or complementary. The only compliment I received that year were my shoes, and I was wearing my dad's Skechers. (JFL)

I never really understood the weird looks from people (considering that I'm unattractive) until recently when I started being mindful of other "big" people. I was eating out with my family at this restaurant and this big, 6'4" lineman built white dude kept coming in and out of the kitchen, and I noticed how tall and massive he was compared to everyone else. I really couldn't help but look at him and respect him, he was a big and strong dominant male that size-mogged everyone in the building.

I then realized I was 6'5" barefoot height at 15 and probably weighed more than this grown man.

There was also this other guy helping us install furniture the other day, he was around 6'2" or so and fairly big and he just took up so much space and dominated the room. So I could only imagine how other males my age would feel in my presence. I'm not a female so I wouldn't understand but I'd imagine the same would probably hold true for them too.

Anyways I've been leaning down pretty well. I don't know when I'm actually gonna see significant change but I'm gonna stick with the process to hopefully ascend from office plant to attractive male (and hopefully possess the treatment I once received as a child again).

If anyone has a similar experience ascending or descending to/from fat and ugly please reply because I'd like to read it.
I went from skinny fat ugly to average looking to attractive and high appeal then back down to average-ugly because in December I had a depressing time and I would just get fat even though I exercised
Would you mind sharing a few
When I was unattractive(recovering vegetarian/vegan) people would take photos of me and make fun of me calling me names and would downright refuse to talk to me /ignore me. Then when I looked slightly better (my haircut was mid looking back), I would still get strange looks for being non nt but people would conversate with me and actually interact. When I was attractive it was great because people would talk to me and care about what I had to say and girls would give me nice looks and smiles and compliments. Now I’ve descended (gained 25-30 pounds since then 💀) , but my emphasis on natural diet is slowly helping me, back down 5-10 lbs or so. It feels like people ignore me or don’t want to talk to me as much or are more prone to make fun of me if we are in a group. Also gaining weight as made my voice significantly higher?? That obviously knocked off some natural respect people gave me It’s getting slightly lower now though with new diet.
When I was unattractive(recovering vegetarian/vegan) people would take photos of me and make fun of me calling me names and would downright refuse to talk to me /ignore me. Then when I looked slightly better (my haircut was mid looking back), I would still get strange looks for being non nt but people would conversate with me and actually interact. When I was attractive it was great because people would talk to me and care about what I had to say and girls would give me nice looks and smiles and compliments. Now I’ve descended (gained 25-30 pounds since then 💀) , but my emphasis on natural diet is slowly helping me, back down 5-10 lbs or so. It feels like people ignore me or don’t want to talk to me as much or are more prone to make fun of me if we are in a group. Also gaining weight as made my voice significantly higher?? That obviously knocked off some natural respect people gave me It’s getting slightly lower now though with new diet.
Raw diet
When I was unattractive(recovering vegetarian/vegan) people would take photos of me and make fun of me calling me names and would downright refuse to talk to me /ignore me. Then when I looked slightly better (my haircut was mid looking back), I would still get strange looks for being non nt but people would conversate with me and actually interact. When I was attractive it was great because people would talk to me and care about what I had to say and girls would give me nice looks and smiles and compliments. Now I’ve descended (gained 25-30 pounds since then 💀) , but my emphasis on natural diet is slowly helping me, back down 5-10 lbs or so. It feels like people ignore me or don’t want to talk to me as much or are more prone to make fun of me if we are in a group. Also gaining weight as made my voice significantly higher?? That obviously knocked off some natural respect people gave me It’s getting slightly lower now though with new diet.
Tales from Barry Bonds 73 home run season.
this might be the single most retarded thing ive ever read on a forum. went from being a good looking child (completely pointless, no different from ugly child) to a 6’5 ogre mogger and now you complain about having a top 0.5% barefoot height cos slightly ugly or fat wtf is that about

as a manlet whos been rated chadlite-chad facially id instantly swap places with you.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #30
this might be the single most retarded thing ive ever read on a forum. went from being a good looking child (completely pointless, no different from ugly child) to a 6’5 ogre mogger and now you complain about having a top 0.5% barefoot height cos slightly ugly or fat wtf is that about

as a manlet whos been rated chadlite-chad facially id instantly swap places with you.
I’m literally morbidly obese you r****d.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #31
this might be the single most retarded thing ive ever read on a forum. went from being a good looking child (completely pointless, no different from ugly child) to a 6’5 ogre mogger and now you complain about having a top 0.5% barefoot height cos slightly ugly or fat wtf is that about

as a manlet whos been rated chadlite-chad facially id instantly swap places with you.
I’m literally morbidly obese you r****d.
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