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Loop Cycle


Bonesmashing Everyday Until I Get Lean
Jun 14, 2024
My life feels so repetitive, like I’m in a loop. The weight scale hasn’t moved in 10 days despite me being active and eating 1500 calories daily. All my friends have me left on delivered (they don’t even respect me enough to have read receipts on jfl) and I haven’t talked to a girl in months. Where am I supposed to go in life?
My life feels so repetitive, like I’m in a loop. The weight scale hasn’t moved in 10 days despite me being active and eating 1500 calories daily. All my friends have me left on delivered (they don’t even respect me enough to have read receipts on jfl) and I haven’t talked to a girl in months. Where am I supposed to go in life?
Thats sad men. If you need a internet friend to say yours sadness or talk, i will be here. Just send a personal message to get my contacts.

About the friends loneless, i know how that fells. That happens due to many things. I recommend to cut contact if they dont answer. Just let them go. Dont force relationships with people who aren't reciprocal.

About the muscles, 1500 calories for a male adult trying to hypertrofiate is too little. It should be much more then that.
how old are you

get a gym bro

travel somewhere, doesn't have to be far just get out of the house for a few days (always makes me feel better)

add some girls on snap that you don't know irl, can be off wiz or something, and fizz the hell out of them, try to be as charismatic and funny and charming as you can, in fact this works even better on ome tv, just talk to random girls and try to charm them and be low inhib with what you say and do, not to lead to anything but just for practice
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  • #4
Thats sad men. If you need a internet friend to say yours sadness or talk, i will be here. Just send a personal message to get my contacts.

About the friends loneless, i know how that fells. That happens due to many things. I recommend to cut contact if they dont answer. Just let them go. Dont force relationships with people who aren't reciprocal.

About the muscles, 1500 calories for a male adult trying to hypertrofiate is too little. It should be much more then that.
I did cut contact with many people, but the last few people I have left play with my feelings. One day they’ll be responding quickly and ask to play the game, then the next day i’m left on read for days or weeks even. I’m doing it temporarily before school year starts, then upping it up to 1800-2000. It’s worked for months, don’t know why it stopped all of a sudden.
how old are you

get a gym bro

travel somewhere, doesn't have to be far just get out of the house for a few days (always makes me feel better)

add some girls on snap that you don't know irl, can be off wiz or something, and fizz the hell out of them, try to be as charismatic and funny and charming as you can, in fact this works even better on ome tv, just talk to random girls and try to charm them and be low inhib with what you say and do, not to lead to anything but just for practice
What is ome tv? I’m LTN so it probably won’t work. As for my age i’ll tell you privately.
My life feels so repetitive, like I’m in a loop. The weight scale hasn’t moved in 10 days despite me being active and eating 1500 calories daily. All my friends have me left on delivered (they don’t even respect me enough to have read receipts on jfl) and I haven’t talked to a girl in months. Where am I supposed to go in life?
I don't talk to anyone either, I don't have any really close friends but it's not that bad, just stop putting effort into maintaining relationships for about a week and if they don't initiate something then they didn't actually like talking to you

This obviously only applies to casual friends and aquaintances, if you have true friends don't do this (or do, they will probably initiate a conversation)

When you aren't busy talking to randos you have more time to grind, for instance my sleep is great now that I don't stay up on facetime anymore
I did cut contact with many people, but the last few people I have left play with my feelings. One day they’ll be responding quickly and ask to play the game, then the next day i’m left on read for days or weeks even. I’m doing it temporarily before school year starts, then upping it up to 1800-2000. It’s worked for months, don’t know why it stopped all of a sudden.

What is ome tv? I’m LTN so it probably won’t work. As for my age i’ll tell you privately.
It is the new omegle, basically a video chat with random people you don't know
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  • #7
I don't talk to anyone either, I don't have any really close friends but it's not that bad, just stop putting effort into maintaining relationships for about a week and if they don't initiate something then they didn't actually like talking to you

This obviously only applies to casual friends and aquaintances, if you have true friends don't do this (or do, they will probably initiate a conversation)

When you aren't busy talking to randos you have more time to grind, for instance my sleep is great now that I don't stay up on facetime anymore
That’s the problem bruh, I’ve tried that and it didn’t work. I told the MF i almost overdosed and he gave no fucks, not a single “sorry to hear that” or “hope you’re doing better.”. He triple texted trying to see if I was okay, but then he leaves me on read and when we play the game he invites his other friends who I don’t like. And that’s true but my body is mega fatigued, I can barely walk 7.5k steps anymore it’s a hassle. My lower body is sore no matter what, i’ve been consistently doing it everyday for months now.
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  • #8
It is the new omegle, basically a video chat with random people you don't know
It’s an app or website? I’ll maybe try it out, thank you for the recommendation.
That’s the problem bruh, I’ve tried that and it didn’t work. I told the MF i almost overdosed and he gave no fucks, not a single “sorry to hear that” or “hope you’re doing better.”. He triple texted trying to see if I was okay, but then he leaves me on read and when we play the game he invites his other friends who I don’t like. And that’s true but my body is mega fatigued, I can barely walk 7.5k steps anymore it’s a hassle. My lower body is sore no matter what, i’ve been consistently doing it everyday for months now.
doesn't sound like much of a friend
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  • #11
doesn't sound like much of a friend
Thanks for the confirmation (don’t mean it sarcastically), I legit don’t know what he wants/gets out of me. He treats me like a therapist and diary, constantly talks about himself and his plan to get rich and the new girl he talks to on instagram or whatever. Hasn’t asked a question about me in months, what do you think the verdict is? Cut him off? Give him cold treatment?
Thanks for the confirmation (don’t mean it sarcastically), I legit don’t know what he wants/gets out of me. He treats me like a therapist and diary, constantly talks about himself and his plan to get rich and the new girl he talks to on instagram or whatever. Hasn’t asked a question about me in months, what do you think the verdict is? Cut him off? Give him cold treatment?
He is just using you for validation

Give him the cold treatment and if he tries to continue the relationship then maybe give him a chance

My best suggestion is to find someone who is trying to get in the gym or just starting out and offer to work out with them, they will appreciate it and you can build a meaningful relationship off that

just a suggestion

or better yet make friends with a kid you think you can change, for instance someone who nobody knows, might be the new kid or smth, and shape them into the kind of person you want as a friend
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  • #13
He is just using you for validation

Give him the cold treatment and if he tries to continue the relationship then maybe give him a chance

My best suggestion is to find someone who is trying to get in the gym or just starting out and offer to work out with them, they will appreciate it and you can build a meaningful relationship off that

just a suggestion

or better yet make friends with a kid you think you can change, for instance someone who nobody knows, might be the new kid or smth, and shape them into the kind of person you want as a friend
Thanks, gonna start leaving him on read and hopefully we cut eachother off eventually. Find a nerdy incel who no one likes at school and befriend him? Easy, im pretty low inhib and approach people all the time to start up convos. Will do next year.
the skinnier you are, the harder it is to lose weight.
if you feel trapped in a cycle then go do something new. find a hobby, go on a hike, watch a movie
I did cut contact with many people, but the last few people I have left play with my feelings. One day they’ll be responding quickly and ask to play the game, then the next day i’m left on read for days or weeks even. I’m doing it temporarily before school year starts, then upping it up to 1800-2000. It’s worked for months, don’t know why it stopped all of a sudden.

What is ome tv? I’m LTN so it probably won’t work. As for my age i’ll tell you privately.
i also have no idea what the fuck ome tv means.

it is normal to not text fast, chill about that
Thanks, gonna start leaving him on read and hopefully we cut eachother off eventually. Find a nerdy incel who no one likes at school and befriend him? Easy, im pretty low inhib and approach people all the time to start up convos. Will do next year.
Yeah, the kid is already non NT so it shouldn't be hard to push him towards looksmaxx. Don't directly show him the site or anything but occasionally say things or point out things about his appearance. Act like the tiktokcels and tell him ironically to mew

As a more nt way you should offer to work out with him

Also get him/peer pressure him to approach girls, it will fail, blackpilling him even more

be quick to point out when he says something nerdy or non nt and shape his personality, make him grow up
hahahaha, strategies to blackpilling menkind
Yeah, the kid is already non NT so it shouldn't be hard to push him towards looksmaxx. Don't directly show him the site or anything but occasionally say things or point out things about his appearance. Act like the tiktokcels and tell him ironically to mew

As a more nt way you should offer to work out with him

Also get him/peer pressure him to approach girls, it will fail, blackpilling him even more

be quick to point out when he says something nerdy or non nt and shape his personality, make him grow up
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  • #19
i also have no idea what the f**k ome tv means.

it is normal to not text fast, chill about that
True but bro is insanely narcy and only texts when he needs something 90% of the time. He asked me to make a document for one of his things for free and got mad when I didn’t do it, like the fuck.
Yeah, the kid is already non NT so it shouldn't be hard to push him towards looksmaxx. Don't directly show him the site or anything but occasionally say things or point out things about his appearance. Act like the tiktokcels and tell him ironically to mew

As a more nt way you should offer to work out with him

Also get him/peer pressure him to approach girls, it will fail, blackpilling him even more

be quick to point out when he says something nerdy or non nt and shape his personality, make him grow up
This is not cool, this is not right, this is fucking bullshit. In what way does this benefit either of us 😭
True but bro is insanely narcy and only texts when he needs something 90% of the time. He asked me to make a document for one of his things for free and got mad when I didn’t do it, like the f**k.

This is not cool, this is not right, this is f*****g bullshit. In what way does this benefit either of us 😭
It benefits him because he will become normal and ascend, it benefits you because you will have someone who looks up to you

In a way it is what normies do to each other, peer pressuring to get girls, constant silent competition, etc but this is just from a black pill perspective
True but bro is insanely narcy and only texts when he needs something 90% of the time. He asked me to make a document for one of his things for free and got mad when I didn’t do it, like the f**k.

This is not cool, this is not right, this is f*****g bullshit. In what way does this benefit either of us 😭
he is a colleague dude. Colleagues are in the same job or classes then you. There is a whole politics game going on. It is not a good place to make friends.

Friends are independent people who live away from you and decide to pass time with you. These are not friends, but colleagues, the typical evil egoistical motherfucker you found at the streets but that have been trapped to have contact with you even though they hate you.

cut the shit
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  • #22
It benefits him because he will become normal and ascend, it benefits you because you will have someone who looks up to you

In a way it is what normies do to each other, peer pressuring to get girls, constant silent competition, etc but this is just from a black pill perspective
True, we’ll ascend together I guess. Most people are non NT outcasts though, only the actual special education students.
he is a colleague dude. Colleagues are in the same job or classes then you. There is a whole politics game going on. It is not a good place to make friends.

Friends are independent people who live away from you and decide to pass time with you. These are not friends, but colleagues, the typical evil egoistical motherfucker you found at the streets but that have been trapped to have contact with you even though they hate you.

cut the shit
Are you saying that I’m taking it too seriously or that he’s a dickheas?
True, we’ll ascend together I guess. Most people are non NT outcasts though, only the actual special education students.

Are you saying that I’m taking it too seriously or that he’s a dickheas?
his a dickhead

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