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menstrual cycle

you look very similar in all, ive heard of this to but im not sure if its true bc ive never experienced it
Yeah, women can look a bit different during their menstrual cycle because of hormonal changes. Around ovulation, they might have clearer skin and look more radiant, but before their period, they might deal with bloating, puffiness, or breakouts.
yea from my own experience i can say that it really has an influence on the appearance and sometimes on the mood to, not for me bc i never have cramps or any kind of discomfort but during it my skin can get one to two pimples or smth like that. also you can feel bloated, its really individual, i know many girls who take many "sedative" painkiller pills during it bc of pain.
gross title but aparently women look diffrent depending what part of their cycle they are on so which pic do i look better in
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You look similar in all of them, nothing too noticeable. But, in the last picture, I will assume you are on your period because you look noticeably worst (Hence eyebags are deeper and more pimples on your face; you also look a lot more tired).

Also, I can totally vouch for "looking worst on your period," when I get on it, I feel and look like shit.
tbh i just get pretty bloated, maybe a little more emotional as well
u look better in first pic
Guys, did you knew that your menstrual circle is aligned to the red blue phases of the moon? So, basically, if you sacrifice a child in a satanic ritual while -
Women tend to have more acne during periods but other than that not much of a difference.
WE also become extra angry too. I have noticed this with other women too , i wonder what it is that causes this.

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