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Discussion Mewing: How to really do it correctly?


Jul 5, 2019
This guy says you should push your tongue up and forward:

Brett Maverick however says you should push it up and back:
"that best astroskys"

why is this a competition? why is it all about beating what i get? i dont even get it. Its just about spreading tongue posture awareness and being humble. Anyways. my changes is undeniable at this point.

this is only a a few months apart after is above before is below View attachment 1819

View attachment 1818

I was just saying as a comparison to demonstrate how good his results were. No offense meant
Do you have BDD or some other disorder btw? I've always wondered
BDD is one his issues along with BPD is another. I know he downplays it, but he has serious issues. I mean no offense or trash talk but seriously you don't ask the patient what his problem is you listen to the doctors diagnosis. And no I'm not a doctor but he shows the symptoms..... there is a reason why so many ppl think he has mental problems
BDD is one his issues along with BPD is another. I know he downplays it, but he has serious issues. I mean no offense or trash talk but seriously you don't ask the patient what his problem is you listen to the doctors diagnosis. And no I'm not a doctor but he shows the symptoms..... there is a reason why so many ppl think he has mental problems
View attachment 1879
didnt read lol chicken.gif
why are you so out to get him?
Well ik some of the sketchy and fishy things he has done. I've been in multiple discords with him so I get to see all the things he post/says. Had a good impression of him at first and it's gone slightly down hill since. Just my opinion well also others....
Well ik some of the sketchy and fishy things he has done. I've been in multiple discords with him so I get to see all the things he post/says. Had a good impression of him at first and it's gone slightly down hill since. Just my opinion well also others....

Is your main concern about him charging money for mewing lessons?

If so, then who gives a fuck lol. If people are willing to spend money on lessons on how to put their tongue on the roof of their mouth then power to him tbh.
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Is your main concern about him charging money for mewing lessons?

If so, then who gives a fuck lol. If people are willing to spend money on lessons on how to put their tongue on the roof of their mouth then power to him tbh.
No it's actually not my main concern. It's more to do with his absolutely hypocritical personality/behavior.

This guy says that if you have an overbite, you should manually adjust your mandible so that the front and bottom teeth are perfectly aligned and that the tongue doesn't have to touch the roof of the mouth. The tongue needs to push the side rows of teeth.

This guy says that if you have an overbite, you should manually adjust your mandible so that the front and bottom teeth are perfectly aligned and that the tongue doesn't have to touch the roof of the mouth. The tongue needs to push the side rows of teeth.

No he is wrong. Please don't listen to him.
If you have overbite still make sure it closes naturally...DO NOT align them perfectly on top of each other.

This guy says that if you have an overbite, you should manually adjust your mandible so that the front and bottom teeth are perfectly aligned and that the tongue doesn't have to touch the roof of the mouth. The tongue needs to push the side rows of teeth.

this is the same retarded c***k who said you should push directly on the teeth
No he is wrong. Please don't listen to him.
If you have overbite still make sure it closes naturally...DO NOT align them perfectly on top of each other.
Why not? I have a pretty severe overbite and wouldn’t mewing without doing this just make it even worse?
Why not? I have a pretty severe overbite and wouldn’t mewing without doing this just make it even worse?
No just see a dentist. Putting them on top of each other can cause the teeth to push outwards= bad. Also unnatural position for mouth to hold for long periods of time