Georg Pfau, austrian urologist and sexual doctor, andrologist
He has his own Website where he posted dozen of articles of mens Health, testosterone, societal view on testosterone, penis size, Estrogen, Doping, feminism and our misandristic view on men
he even stated that testicle DOES correlate with masculinity, while other bluepilled doctors Always relied on the excuse "Muh testicle size is just genetic" he is one of the few urologist who admit that the size of the testicle DOES has an Impact on masculine dimorphism and testosterone and sperm Quality
But one Thing which is even more blackpilling is that he admits that testosterone Levels on paper SAY NOTHING About your bodies hormonal Needs
His post: (translated)
How many hormones does the man need?
When we talk about hormones here, we mainly mean the sex hormones, specifically the testosterone. Testosterone has a "normal value" that is very broad and covers all age groups of men at any time of the day. It ranges from 3.00 to 8.27 ng / dl.
Normal values are usually calculated as the average of a norm collective, the meaning for the individual, individual man is therefore very low. In addition, the average of an older norm collective is hardly usable, since the average was determined from a group of men, who for the most part are themselves in need of substitution.
It is to be expected that there will always be limit corrections. But they are only a hint of hesitation and not an absolute size. Endocrinologists are of the opinion that men with their testosterone levels should be in the high normal range, ie above 5.0 ng / ml. Nevertheless, the question of the right hormone levels is not answered, because the interpretation of hormone levels is not so easy and requires a sound education and plenty of experience.
Laboratory data give little information about the testosterone equipment of a man. Unfortunately, they are still the center of attention when assessing possible deficiencies. However, the indication for testosterone substitution must be made about the condition of the man and ... about the success of the treatment.
The measured testosterone level changes with age and in a 24-hour rhythm and must therefore be set in relation to it. In addition, a lab test does not say anything about how much of the testosterone actually measured is actually biologically active. For this it would be necessary to know the free testosterone, which is very difficult to determine and also the receptor density and the receptor nature play a large, not sure predictable role.
One recognizes these many unknowns, because some people with low values have a very good performance, other men with high values suffer from deficiency Symptoms.
So the subject matter is very complex, so the main parameter that should play a role in man's endocrinology is the man's condition.
What good is a "nice" testosterone level, if you
feel uncomfortable with it .... and with how much testosterone which man feels well is very different and depends on many factors.
"How many hormones does the man need?" Quite simply: so much that his well-being is guaranteed. And finding this "feel-good threshold" is up to the doctor. Laboratory values play a subordinate role here.
His Website: (i gonna make create more Posts in the future About the Information he provides with his Website since he's one of the most educated urologists out there)
This basically says EVERYTHING, our jewish feministic rotten medical System is made to bullshit men into believing that everyone can perfectly function and develop his Body with testosterone Levels of 300-500ng/dl, and if you have deficiency Symptoms with These Levels then it's all in your head bro
I have fucking every symptom of hypogonadism, low FSH and LH Levels, abnormally small testicles, borderline low red blood cell Count, extreme feminine proportions, extreme high estradiol Levels and a horrible sperm Count
guess what my doctor said? "Well Mr. X your Levels are low but with 300ng/dl total testosterone you're still fine"
(NOTE: i was 17 at that time, and ive lost previously 120lbs along with following a high Protein high fat diet and a specialized Training Routine to maxout my T Levels, so you can be sure that all the years before ive lived with testosterone Levels Sub 200ng/dl)
The elite doesnt want healthy high T men with T Levels above 800ng/dl, they want unhealthy depressed cucks without any willpower who cannot get a proper erection anymore so they spend their Money on viagra, SSRI's, heart medication and medication for Diabetes, useless fatburners and anti aging products
HGH for example is one of the best Things to burn visceral fat and to clean up your arteries along with improving your cardial output
A lot of users also report that the usage of Peptides had lowered their heartrate way more effectively than all their previous betablockers
But no no no, muh HGH gives you cancer1111!!!! (totally ignoring the fact that Cancer cells can only live through clycogen) It gives you acromegaly and grows your Organs!!!!!11111
Stay away from HGH!!!!! Get a high carb soy diet and avoid red meats my graceful beloved wagie
Start engaging yourself for womens Rights instead of Looking to improve your toxic masculinity

We dont Need healthy testosterone/growth Hormone Levels, we are happy with our Monthly soylent Ration and our yearly sitting place on the adults table for thanksgiving after we thoroughly cleaned up tyrones cum stains on our wives Slips

He has his own Website where he posted dozen of articles of mens Health, testosterone, societal view on testosterone, penis size, Estrogen, Doping, feminism and our misandristic view on men
he even stated that testicle DOES correlate with masculinity, while other bluepilled doctors Always relied on the excuse "Muh testicle size is just genetic" he is one of the few urologist who admit that the size of the testicle DOES has an Impact on masculine dimorphism and testosterone and sperm Quality
But one Thing which is even more blackpilling is that he admits that testosterone Levels on paper SAY NOTHING About your bodies hormonal Needs
His post: (translated)
How many hormones does the man need?
When we talk about hormones here, we mainly mean the sex hormones, specifically the testosterone. Testosterone has a "normal value" that is very broad and covers all age groups of men at any time of the day. It ranges from 3.00 to 8.27 ng / dl.
Normal values are usually calculated as the average of a norm collective, the meaning for the individual, individual man is therefore very low. In addition, the average of an older norm collective is hardly usable, since the average was determined from a group of men, who for the most part are themselves in need of substitution.
It is to be expected that there will always be limit corrections. But they are only a hint of hesitation and not an absolute size. Endocrinologists are of the opinion that men with their testosterone levels should be in the high normal range, ie above 5.0 ng / ml. Nevertheless, the question of the right hormone levels is not answered, because the interpretation of hormone levels is not so easy and requires a sound education and plenty of experience.
Laboratory data give little information about the testosterone equipment of a man. Unfortunately, they are still the center of attention when assessing possible deficiencies. However, the indication for testosterone substitution must be made about the condition of the man and ... about the success of the treatment.
The measured testosterone level changes with age and in a 24-hour rhythm and must therefore be set in relation to it. In addition, a lab test does not say anything about how much of the testosterone actually measured is actually biologically active. For this it would be necessary to know the free testosterone, which is very difficult to determine and also the receptor density and the receptor nature play a large, not sure predictable role.
One recognizes these many unknowns, because some people with low values have a very good performance, other men with high values suffer from deficiency Symptoms.
So the subject matter is very complex, so the main parameter that should play a role in man's endocrinology is the man's condition.
What good is a "nice" testosterone level, if you

"How many hormones does the man need?" Quite simply: so much that his well-being is guaranteed. And finding this "feel-good threshold" is up to the doctor. Laboratory values play a subordinate role here.
His Website: (i gonna make create more Posts in the future About the Information he provides with his Website since he's one of the most educated urologists out there)
This basically says EVERYTHING, our jewish feministic rotten medical System is made to bullshit men into believing that everyone can perfectly function and develop his Body with testosterone Levels of 300-500ng/dl, and if you have deficiency Symptoms with These Levels then it's all in your head bro

I have fucking every symptom of hypogonadism, low FSH and LH Levels, abnormally small testicles, borderline low red blood cell Count, extreme feminine proportions, extreme high estradiol Levels and a horrible sperm Count
guess what my doctor said? "Well Mr. X your Levels are low but with 300ng/dl total testosterone you're still fine"
(NOTE: i was 17 at that time, and ive lost previously 120lbs along with following a high Protein high fat diet and a specialized Training Routine to maxout my T Levels, so you can be sure that all the years before ive lived with testosterone Levels Sub 200ng/dl)
The elite doesnt want healthy high T men with T Levels above 800ng/dl, they want unhealthy depressed cucks without any willpower who cannot get a proper erection anymore so they spend their Money on viagra, SSRI's, heart medication and medication for Diabetes, useless fatburners and anti aging products
HGH for example is one of the best Things to burn visceral fat and to clean up your arteries along with improving your cardial output
A lot of users also report that the usage of Peptides had lowered their heartrate way more effectively than all their previous betablockers
But no no no, muh HGH gives you cancer1111!!!! (totally ignoring the fact that Cancer cells can only live through clycogen) It gives you acromegaly and grows your Organs!!!!!11111
Stay away from HGH!!!!! Get a high carb soy diet and avoid red meats my graceful beloved wagie
Start engaging yourself for womens Rights instead of Looking to improve your toxic masculinity

We dont Need healthy testosterone/growth Hormone Levels, we are happy with our Monthly soylent Ration and our yearly sitting place on the adults table for thanksgiving after we thoroughly cleaned up tyrones cum stains on our wives Slips