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Need a mentor


May 24, 2024
Belfast, Northern Ireland
This is cope but navigating each regimen routine and tracking progress on here is daunting, fear limit and all that.
Feel like I need one person to keep in touch with and update on progress and consistency but have no idea if anyone does this on this forum specifically
Gym is relatively easy to keep track of, used to be an exercise addict. I mean more for accountability in routines for overall maxxing
That’s harder to find ngl. I would not be a good person because I am not consistent
Id believe that but yr active constantly bro 😭
I’m already looksmaxxed tbh I’m just waiting to be able to afford haircut to get back into talking to girls
I’m already looksmaxxed tbh I’m just waiting to be able to afford haircut to get back into talking to girls
My current haircut is good but in my prime haircut I was much more successful with girls so I would like to return to that
This is cope but navigating each regimen routine and tracking progress on here is daunting, fear limit and all that.
Feel like I need one person to keep in touch with and update on progress and consistency but have no idea if anyone does this on this forum specifically
It's meant to be confusing bro. That's how they extract your money. Dig deeper. The ones who did the best work for free or almost for free was always silenced and minimize. Look up Mike mintzer. Idc if he was a method addict Co co head. He got alot of things right. Alot alot of things right and was quickly silenced because if people actually followed his advice. The supplement industry would lose alot of money which I mean yeah they would. He died in his 50s due to his stimulate abuse but he was a legit genius and if it was not for arnold taking the title by cheating like he did. He would have been the face of the golden era bodybuilding and I wouldn't be trying to tell you who he is.

HIT. Just enough nutrition and lots rest. The rest is bullshit money extracting jewing.

All the videos on Mike that's pretty against him are equally biased hit pieces which sorta sucks to see his name slandered around. But he's a legend for a reason.

Also the deeper you go the more the obvious truth comes to light. Your mentor should be yourself. Use knowledge and actually question everything and try it yourself instead. In the end. The only person you can compare yourself is YOU. Anything else compared to another person is pure speculation and probability. Someone who has massive arms might or might not have done something to help him with that and YOU can never prove it. Because your not him

Genetics. Starting point and your willingness to put in hard work is the only thing you can certain about

Your only purpose in the gym is train to your failure point and then rest. No matter how you get there it doesn't matter. Maximize your failure. Maximize your rest.

Ever noticed if you take a break from the gym for 2 weeks and instead of being weaker your stronger still? Yeah. It means your body needed that a amount of rest to truly recover. Mike talks about this alot and it changes how you view the gym too

Instead of slaving away in a gym for 2 hours. You can train for 30 mins and spend the rest of your free time self improving other areas of your life and because you know you trained to failure too ( becuase you will know once you try HIT and the strength increase week after week) you can be certain your building muscle effectively. This works extremely well for nattys too
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@AstroSky @sigma constantly go to the gym. I occasionally do but not often enough
tbh im more like you. i dont go to the gym a lot, i prefer walking because it is calmer and in the gym i feel awkward
but i should be lifting more lol
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It's meant to be confusing bro. That's how they extract your money. Dig deeper. The ones who did the best work for free or almost for free was always silenced and minimize. Look up Mike mintzer. Idc if he was a method addict Co co head. He got alot of things right. Alot alot of things right and was quickly silenced because if people actually followed his advice. The supplement industry would lose alot of money which I mean yeah they would. He died in his 50s due to his stimulate abuse but he was a legit genius and if it was not for arnold taking the title by cheating like he did. He would have been the face of the golden era bodybuilding and I wouldn't be trying to tell you who he is.

HIT. Just enough nutrition and lots rest. The rest is bullshit money extracting jewing.

All the videos on Mike that's pretty against him are equally biased hit pieces which sorta sucks to see his name slandered around. But he's a legend for a reason.

Also the deeper you go the more the obvious truth comes to light. Your mentor should be yourself. Use knowledge and actually question everything and try it yourself instead. In the end. The only person you can compare yourself is YOU. Anything else compared to another person is pure speculation and probability. Someone who has massive arms might or might not have done something to help him with that and YOU can never prove it. Because your not him

Genetics. Starting point and your willingness to put in hard work is the only thing you can certain about

Your only purpose in the gym is train to your failure point and then rest. No matter how you get there it doesn't matter. Maximize your failure. Maximize your rest.

Ever noticed if you take a break from the gym for 2 weeks and instead of being weaker your stronger still? Yeah. It means your body needed that a amount of rest to truly recover. Mike talks about this alot and it changes how you view the gym too

Instead of slaving away in a gym for 2 hours. You can train for 30 mins and spend the rest of your free time self improving other areas of your life and because you know you trained to failure too ( becuase you will know once you try HIT and the strength increase week after week) you can be certain your building muscle effectively. This works extremely well for nattys too
Genuinely helpful. I appreciate you
Genuinely helpful. I appreciate you
Avoid tiktok advice for the general sense. It's always almost some kind of ad.....I see an ad on TikTok every other video and it makes me sick. It's Hella weird. Youtube is still king for good free info thus far. Mike mintzers old speeches is still around and his advice on youtube.
It's meant to be confusing bro. That's how they extract your money. Dig deeper. The ones who did the best work for free or almost for free was always silenced and minimize. Look up Mike mintzer. Idc if he was a method addict Co co head. He got alot of things right. Alot alot of things right and was quickly silenced because if people actually followed his advice. The supplement industry would lose alot of money which I mean yeah they would. He died in his 50s due to his stimulate abuse but he was a legit genius and if it was not for arnold taking the title by cheating like he did. He would have been the face of the golden era bodybuilding and I wouldn't be trying to tell you who he is.

HIT. Just enough nutrition and lots rest. The rest is bullshit money extracting jewing.

All the videos on Mike that's pretty against him are equally biased hit pieces which sorta sucks to see his name slandered around. But he's a legend for a reason.

Also the deeper you go the more the obvious truth comes to light. Your mentor should be yourself. Use knowledge and actually question everything and try it yourself instead. In the end. The only person you can compare yourself is YOU. Anything else compared to another person is pure speculation and probability. Someone who has massive arms might or might not have done something to help him with that and YOU can never prove it. Because your not him

Genetics. Starting point and your willingness to put in hard work is the only thing you can certain about

Your only purpose in the gym is train to your failure point and then rest. No matter how you get there it doesn't matter. Maximize your failure. Maximize your rest.

Ever noticed if you take a break from the gym for 2 weeks and instead of being weaker your stronger still? Yeah. It means your body needed that a amount of rest to truly recover. Mike talks about this alot and it changes how you view the gym too

Instead of slaving away in a gym for 2 hours. You can train for 30 mins and spend the rest of your free time self improving other areas of your life and because you know you trained to failure too ( becuase you will know once you try HIT and the strength increase week after week) you can be certain your building muscle effectively. This works extremely well for nattys too
Mike mentzer is cope

Studies prove the more sets u do the more u grow

also going to failure is not optimal and one set isn't enough
Mike mentzer is cope

Studies prove the more sets u do the more u grow

also going to failure is not optimal and one set isn't enough
Anything you do past the point of musclecur fatigue is waste. Also. More sets is only good for people on roids. Naturals will benefit of Mike mentzer. Idc what bias you have against him or heard the hate train. Mike is king and will always be. His training style helped me and I got the best results resting and training less frequently .

Many many people get results from his training style and they are all naturals. You get 80% the results with out all the time in gym that is needed to have more sets. Regardless of how you place it. Less time spent in the gym is a plus in my book.

If you want to take peds and spend more sets to get 100% of potential results that's fine too. But Mike took the complication out of what can work and what can be achieved unlike the others who made it a mystic art
Anything you do past the point of musclecur fatigue is waste. Also. More sets is only good for people on roids. Naturals will benefit of Mike mentzer. Idc what bias you have against him or heard the hate train. Mike is king and will always be. His training style helped me and I got the best results resting and training less frequently .

Many many people get results from his training style and they are all naturals. You get 80% the results with out all the time in gym that is needed to have more sets. Regardless of how you place it. Less time spent in the gym is a plus in my book.

If you want to take peds and spend more sets to get 100% of potential results that's fine too. But Mike took the complication out of what can work and what can be achieved unlike the others who made it a mystic art
I have tried it doesn't work and there are studies defying his statements and if u want to maximize hypertrophy and minimise fatigue u have train with 1-2 reps from failure and atleast 8-10 sets per workout session
Anything you do past the point of musclecur fatigue is waste. Also. More sets is only good for people on roids. Naturals will benefit of Mike mentzer. Idc what bias you have against him or heard the hate train. Mike is king and will always be. His training style helped me and I got the best results resting and training less frequently .

Many many people get results from his training style and they are all naturals. You get 80% the results with out all the time in gym that is needed to have more sets. Regardless of how you place it. Less time spent in the gym is a plus in my book.

If you want to take peds and spend more sets to get 100% of potential results that's fine too. But Mike took the complication out of what can work and what can be achieved unlike the others who made it a mystic art
No studies show this they show the opposite and one set per workout is not enough
No studies show this they show the opposite and one set per workout is not enough
I do not do one set per work out. I do 3 to 4 depending if it's just laterial or compound. But I do treat the feeling of failure as a sign I trained hard enough

Not everyone goes to true failure either. Everyone thinks feeling the burn is failure or discomfort. Na. Failure is past the burn and when your arms physically just can not fo another rep. That point is extremely hard to get to even on steroids.
I do not do one set per work out. I do 3 to 4 depending if it's just laterial or compound. But I do treat the feeling of failure as a sign I trained hard enough

Not everyone goes to true failure either. Everyone thinks feeling the burn is failure or discomfort. Na. Failure is past the burn and when your arms physically just can not fo another rep. That point is extremely hard to get to even on steroids.
If u go to failure then the ur ability to workout and perform reps in the next sets significantly drop and then u can do reps only in the ranges where hypertrophy is not maximized
I do not do one set per work out. I do 3 to 4 depending if it's just laterial or compound. But I do treat the feeling of failure as a sign I trained hard enough

Not everyone goes to true failure either. Everyone thinks feeling the burn is failure or discomfort. Na. Failure is past the burn and when your arms physically just can not fo another rep. That point is extremely hard to get to even on steroids.
Yeah 3-4 is reasonable
I do not do one set per work out. I do 3 to 4 depending if it's just laterial or compound. But I do treat the feeling of failure as a sign I trained hard enough

Not everyone goes to true failure either. Everyone thinks feeling the burn is failure or discomfort. Na. Failure is past the burn and when your arms physically just can not fo another rep. That point is extremely hard to get to even on steroids.
I used to go to complete real failure in all exercises but recovery was very bad and its not worth it if u really want to go to failure then do it on the last set of ur exercise and wait for 5 mins for ur next exercise
I used to go to complete real failure in all exercises but recovery was very bad and its not worth it if u really want to go to failure then do it on the last set of ur exercise and wait for 5 mins for ur next exercise
Idk even as a natural I found going to my limit them resting for days then working out again had me have real results fast. I felt like taking more rest than you think actually did the most. Even between sets. Mike mintzer had something right otherwise it would give such a nice difference. Even if I don't follow his true training regimen. Adding more rest days Even though the thought that I need to be in the gym always gets to me. The more I rest the stronger I am next time around.

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