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Story over


Well-known member
Aug 15, 2023
over. pointless thread. doomer thread of gloom n doom.

saw a porn of Lara croft getting seduced by a tall dominant dickchick with a giant masculine penis and wide shoulders and wide hips. i realized its over. i will never have a large penis like that. my penis is only average. i will never be able to dominate women with my utterly large penis, at most i can date a woman for 3 months then wait for her approval, as a cucked male.

i will never have muscles as large as the dickchick in the video. my face will never be as gorgeous as the dickchick, i dont even have forward zygos. my voice will be autistic and never flow like honey like the dickchick in the video. Even my hips will never be as wide. I cannot even succeed as a femboy cuck, who would want to fuck my ass when I have man hips. I cannot even succeed as a rock climber Lara croft. I cannot even climb up 5 feet of rocks.

My fate is to be a cuck surrounded by weaklings and cucks. To hear an ice-cream truck playing the exact same song everyday because the weaklings and cucks around me will not stand up. This is my fate.
My fate is to be a cuck surrounded by weaklings and cucks. To hear an ice-cream truck playing the exact same song everyday because the weaklings and cucks around me will not stand up. This is my fate.
It’s over
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #10
Become a futa with a 10+ inch dick or Death. Having a 10+ inch dick is the only way to become Human (if u have a penis.)


  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #14
They have PE devices that are proven to give 2 inches max in length and for girth sometimes even better. Go check it out. Look into thunders palace
over, wont be able to achieve 10+ inches that way
lets say you are at 5inches , achieving a 7inch cock is very good tbh
Having 10 inches is factually so rare it's unlikely. All porn stars lie about their length. They add an inch or more sometimes with angles and fake rulers and different lenses and take vigera and most have done PE just to get to their sizes. Some even had surgery to have the dick get longer with ligament cutting which is why the penis hangs despite being hard. 7 inches is way above the avg in reality 8 inch is good porn star and 9 even more rare and unlikely. 10 is impossible level .

Is the same shit with height. All males almost always lie and add or fraud the pp length or girth. It's insecuritie based so yeah. They gonna lie.

Don't even focus on the whole "bbc " cope. That shit is mostly frauded too and almost always it's the outliers that come forth with the largest pp and that screws with the perception of how common it truly is. It's statistically unlikely to come across someone with anything larger than 8 on avg. I am 7.8. This started at 7 when i did PE. Most dudes can gain an inch over time and the lucky few can gain 2