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Problems with mewing.


New member
Jul 6, 2019
Have had some sort of tongue posture my whole life and a few days ago discovered mewing. My forward growth is not bad and def could be better so i tried to start mewing.
My tongue posture is fine but the second i try to make my molars touch, it creates tension in the area just above my ears.

The second thing is that my jaw feels very stiff when trying thing said above.

My cheeks are also normally a bit hollow but when my molars are touching the hollowness disappears and makes my lips and jaw wider and way uglier.

Are these things normal and part of mewing?
(Just turned 15)
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  • #4
Whole face or just the lower third
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  • #7
Can i just pn them to u
Have had some sort of tongue posture my whole life and a few days ago discovered mewing. My forward growth is not bad and def could be better so i tried to start mewing.
My tongue posture is fine but the second i try to make my molars touch, it creates tension in the area just above my ears.

The second thing is that my jaw feels very stiff when trying thing said above.

My cheeks are also normally a bit hollow but when my molars are touching the hollowness disappears and makes my lips and jaw wider and way uglier.

Are these things normal and part of mewing? As long as your tongue is on roof of mouth teeth in contact that’s all. Also swallow with tongue on roof of mouth without using facial muscles. That’s all
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