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Jasmine Rose

Oct 10, 2023
I noticed many people including myself are too obsessed with looks (the point of the whole forum). Even if you look good your constantly worrying about dumb flaws no one but yourself notices. Even if you aren't good looking you have to realize looks maybe aren't that deep. I know on this Earth people are shallow and treat others differently due to looks but lets be real, where do we all end up? We all end up dying or in the grave. "I was the prettiest" "I had hunter eyes and a chiseled jawline" "I wish I was pretty" "No one notices me" we all end up dying so it's not that deep. Stop being so hard on yourself. I realized the most important thing is being healthy, both physically and mentally. Start being grateful of the small things in life. You have 2 eyes that work ? Be grateful you can see when theres people who are blind out there. You have 2 legs that work and walk you places, be grateful you can even walk . Its really about perspective, I got really sick recently but I have a positive mindset now about life. So truly go outside, enjoy your life, try to be successful and don't waste everyday of your life worrying about small things. Also go eat that meal if you really want to lifes too short, eating disorders dont help with anything but they make you very very sick and malnourished. You dont want to be tied to a hospital bed with a feeding tube I already know how it goes. Imagine being in the hospital because you cant even get up to walk and all you see is everyone moving on with there lives having fun, going to prom but your too sick to even go to prom? I'd advise you guys to get a therapist or talk to someone older because since were young all we care about is materialistic and vain things but we should truly be happy with things for they are. I took many things for granted but I realized it was good the way it was. Anyways even if you are pretty, beauty is subjective not everyone finds the same thing attractive so even if you are good looking not everyone is going to think that. For example, I find Leah Halton pretty but some people might not agree with me so therefore stop caring how others perceive you, just love yourself. This is my last post because I'm at the point in my life where I do love myself physically but I also want to focus on being mentally a good person and get a good career to help others. It was nice knowing you guys, remember to always use sunscreen and good luck on your looksmaxxing journey but dont be too hard on yourself <3. Always try to be healthy mentally and physically <3
I noticed many people including myself are too obsessed with looks (the point of the whole forum). Even if you look good your constantly worrying about dumb flaws no one but yourself notices. Even if you aren't good looking you have to realize looks maybe aren't that deep. I know on this Earth people are shallow and treat others differently due to looks but lets be real, where do we all end up? We all end up dying or in the grave. "I was the prettiest" "I had hunter eyes and a chiseled jawline" "I wish I was pretty" "No one notices me" we all end up dying so it's not that deep. Stop being so hard on yourself. I realized the most important thing is being healthy, both physically and mentally. Start being grateful of the small things in life. You have 2 eyes that work ? Be grateful you can see when theres people who are blind out there. You have 2 legs that work and walk you places, be grateful you can even walk . Its really about perspective, I got really sick recently but I have a positive mindset now about life. So truly go outside, enjoy your life, try to be successful and don't waste everyday of your life worrying about small things. Also go eat that meal if you really want to lifes too short, eating disorders dont help with anything but they make you very very sick and malnourished. You dont want to be tied to a hospital bed with a feeding tube I already know how it goes. Imagine being in the hospital because you cant even get up to walk and all you see is everyone moving on with there lives having fun, going to prom but your too sick to even go to prom? I'd advise you guys to get a therapist or talk to someone older because since were young all we care about is materialistic and vain things but we should truly be happy with things for they are. I took many things for granted but I realized it was good the way it was. Anyways even if you are pretty, beauty is subjective not everyone finds the same thing attractive so even if you are good looking not everyone is going to think that. For example, I find Leah Halton pretty but some people might not agree with me so therefore stop caring how others perceive you, just love yourself. This is my last post because I'm at the point in my life where I do love myself physically but I also want to focus on being mentally a good person and get a good career to help others. It was nice knowing you guys, remember to always use sunscreen and good luck on your looksmaxxing journey but dont be too hard on yourself <3. Always try to be healthy mentally and physically <3
dnr but i get the point

yeah looks arent everything but they do matter
I noticed many people including myself are too obsessed with looks (the point of the whole forum). Even if you look good your constantly worrying about dumb flaws no one but yourself notices. Even if you aren't good looking you have to realize looks maybe aren't that deep. I know on this Earth people are shallow and treat others differently due to looks but lets be real, where do we all end up? We all end up dying or in the grave. "I was the prettiest" "I had hunter eyes and a chiseled jawline" "I wish I was pretty" "No one notices me" we all end up dying so it's not that deep. Stop being so hard on yourself. I realized the most important thing is being healthy, both physically and mentally. Start being grateful of the small things in life. You have 2 eyes that work ? Be grateful you can see when theres people who are blind out there. You have 2 legs that work and walk you places, be grateful you can even walk . Its really about perspective, I got really sick recently but I have a positive mindset now about life. So truly go outside, enjoy your life, try to be successful and don't waste everyday of your life worrying about small things. Also go eat that meal if you really want to lifes too short, eating disorders dont help with anything but they make you very very sick and malnourished. You dont want to be tied to a hospital bed with a feeding tube I already know how it goes. Imagine being in the hospital because you cant even get up to walk and all you see is everyone moving on with there lives having fun, going to prom but your too sick to even go to prom? I'd advise you guys to get a therapist or talk to someone older because since were young all we care about is materialistic and vain things but we should truly be happy with things for they are. I took many things for granted but I realized it was good the way it was. Anyways even if you are pretty, beauty is subjective not everyone finds the same thing attractive so even if you are good looking not everyone is going to think that. For example, I find Leah Halton pretty but some people might not agree with me so therefore stop caring how others perceive you, just love yourself. This is my last post because I'm at the point in my life where I do love myself physically but I also want to focus on being mentally a good person and get a good career to help others. It was nice knowing you guys, remember to always use sunscreen and good luck on your looksmaxxing journey but dont be too hard on yourself <3. Always try to be healthy mentally and physically <3
Notice the replies are are classic deflections to your truth. Looks can help but they are not everything to your life. The only people who focus so hard on this single aspect is the people have are still deeply insecure and do it to compensate for what they don't think matters. In reality even when or if someone becomes good-looking one day what's left is the things you neglected. The goldpill is the idea you understand the truth of the blackpill but don't let it get you down. You see it like you do the gym. You work on what you can and don't beat yourself up over things you can't change. You appreciate the journey.

Unironically live like this and you're essentially goldpilled. Even if you have to at first fake it. You will eventually live and believe this. That's how any new belief system starts anyways. bloomer_6033.png
Notice the replies are are classic deflections to your truth. Looks can help but they are not everything to your life. The only people who focus so hard on this single aspect is the people have are still deeply insecure and do it to compensate for what they don't think matters. In reality even when or if someone becomes good-looking one day what's left is the things you neglected. The goldpill is the idea you understand the truth of the blackpill but don't let it get you down. You see it like you do the gym. You work on what you can and don't beat yourself up over things you can't change. You appreciate the journey.

Unironically live like this and you're essentially goldpilled. Even if you have to at first fake it. You will eventually live and believe this. That's how any new belief system starts anyways. View attachment 31273
Wojak ☠️☠️
People want to be wanted and approached romantically. And that only happens if you look good. I'm not a redpiller.
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  • #12
Notice the replies are are classic deflections to your truth. Looks can help but they are not everything to your life. The only people who focus so hard on this single aspect is the people have are still deeply insecure and do it to compensate for what they don't think matters. In reality even when or if someone becomes good-looking one day what's left is the things you neglected. The goldpill is the idea you understand the truth of the blackpill but don't let it get you down. You see it like you do the gym. You work on what you can and don't beat yourself up over things you can't change. You appreciate the journey.

Unironically live like this and you're essentially goldpilled. Even if you have to at first fake it. You will eventually live and believe this. That's how any new belief system starts anyways. View attachment 31273
There’s many insecure attractive people in this world but most of them who’s always been attractive there whole lives don’t really think about looks 24/7 because they always had pretty privilege, they just have fun and live peacefully. Most of the time people who used to be ugly and then turned attractive and randomly started getting pretty privilege are the ones who are usually insecure because they remember how it was like to be treated before glowing up. Therefore even after the glow up they are still insecure and don’t end up enjoying their life . By all means glow up more and work hard but stressing yourself doesn’t change anything you have to be calm and patient when it comes to improving yourself even more instead of making it the only thing you think about
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  • #13
People want to be wanted and approached romantically. And that only happens if you look good. I'm not a redpiller.
No I agree with this, I often get approached but im not really thinking too hard or stressing myself about it but the thing is there’s more to life than worrying about who’s going to approach you or how many people everyday. But I am a girl so I get approached easily, men on the other hand never get approached unless they are like really attractive. I’m not saying looks don’t matter, they matter to a certain extent and after that all you can really do is enjoy your life.
No I agree with this, I often get approached but im not really thinking too hard or stressing myself about it but the thing is there’s more to life than worrying about who’s going to approach you or how many people everyday. But I am a girl so I get approached easily, men on the other hand never get approached unless they are like really attractive. I’m not saying looks don’t matter, they matter to a certain extent and after that all you can really do is enjoy your life.
thats what im saying it is much easier to enjoy life if u are a girl and not a man because of this
for example what if a girl is religious and u are automatically rejected because u arent part of her religion. 60% of americans are religious? Or something like that idk? So probably you would get rejected by 50% of american girls or 40% for that alone?

So you would have to only date wokes. And what if you get rejected for being based. For instance I referred to cis females as "females" and wokes got enraged for using the word Female to describe a cis female.

So this is literal genocide of people like us.

Being a man sucks and I don't see the sex appeal when I look at my side or angle profile in the mirror, most men with sex appeal have to shave everyday to maintain that. As a woman you can wear makeup which makes you very powerful, its not the same with men. For example men when they see a woman with makeup, if they cannot have sex with her they go home and despair, thinking about the meaning of life and philosophy. Whereas if a woman sees a hot guy (say, O pry or something) they just get some arousal or something. The power level is not at all the same or balanced.

Yes males dominate society politically and in terms of business, I think these are copes to compensate for their lack of sexual power imo. Being born a man is a curse