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Guide the BEST way to have AMAZING SKIN / biohack


a guy doing his thing
Jan 1, 2024
Buenos Aires
not many people know but, beef tallow is the BEST MOISTURIZER BY A MILE

Gives you youthful, strong and vibrant skin.

and this is something I've been experiencing with myself.

Tallow represents your bodies own moisturizer (sebum) the most in structure.

F1O78hFXoAANksc (1).jpeg

Apply tallow and you basically use natures moisturizer.


topical beef tallow application and collagen (gelatin) consumption are two incredibly easy ways to obtain phenomenal skin

beef tallow provides a perfect ratio of fatty acids on your skin along with some fat soluble vitamins that feed skin cells the stuff they need


a fun extra is that when applied, it will also grow out your lashes and eyebrows (along with the fact that rubbing it on your scalp literally reverses hairloss)

collagen consumption makes the skin TIGHT, wrinkles will disappear and your skin will be stuck to your bones very firmly.

every feature will pop out better, not in the gay sense, but the fact that collagen is very essential to your biology and you now radiate vitality and health (girls now finally want your offspring)
yeah but because it closely resembles sebum won’t it clog the pores of a teenager like myself with very active oil glands?

this seems like a good idea for when I’m older though
have you resolved any of your skin issues or not really?
Not really tbh, my skincare stack and hgh really arent doing much, I have a good diet, good lifestyle but I'm still getting acne like its so bad I might just go for tret and maybe even accu later on.
"Yes, beef tallow can clog pores and worsen acne for people who are oily or prone to breakouts. Beef tallow has a high comedogenic rating, which means it can clog pores more than other ingredients like coconut oil and lanolin. It can also irritate the skin and cause breakouts due to certain oils it contains. "
´´Why do you smell like rotten meat? and there are flies following you!``
´´Baby, trust me, i know what i am doing. Walking around with pieces of dead animal is cool: leather jacket, polar coats..., this shit rock``
not many people know but, beef tallow is the BEST MOISTURIZER BY A MILE

Gives you youthful, strong and vibrant skin.

and this is something I've been experiencing with myself.

Tallow represents your bodies own moisturizer (sebum) the most in structure.

View attachment 36043

Apply tallow and you basically use natures moisturizer.

View attachment 36044

topical beef tallow application and collagen (gelatin) consumption are two incredibly easy ways to obtain phenomenal skin

beef tallow provides a perfect ratio of fatty acids on your skin along with some fat soluble vitamins that feed skin cells the stuff they need

View attachment 36045

a fun extra is that when applied, it will also grow out your lashes and eyebrows (along with the fact that rubbing it on your scalp literally reverses hairloss)

collagen consumption makes the skin TIGHT, wrinkles will disappear and your skin will be stuck to your bones very firmly.

every feature will pop out better, not in the gay sense, but the fact that collagen is very essential to your biology and you now radiate vitality and health (girls now finally want your offspring)
Mirin thanks brother
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  • #10
´´Why do you smell like rotten meat? and there are flies following you!``
´´Baby, trust me, i know what i am doing. Walking around with pieces of dead animal is cool: leather jacket, polar coats..., this shit rock``
i have used it and it does not leave a bad smell, also the skin is lipophilic which makes it absorb the fats, once absorbed in about 20 minutes you can simply remove the remaining excess. it is the same as a moisturizer.
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  • #11
yeah but because it closely resembles sebum won’t it clog the pores of a teenager like myself with very active oil glands?

this seems like a good idea for when I’m older though
you can simply experiment for yourself for 1 week and draw your own conclusions.
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  • #12
Beef tallow is used to cook McDonald's French fries

Beef tallow is used to cook McDonald's French fries
I wish they did, they use seed oils rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids high in omega 6, one of the reasons why the USA is the most obese country in the world.
Not really tbh, my skincare stack and hgh really arent doing much, I have a good diet, good lifestyle but I'm still getting acne like its so bad I might just go for tret and maybe even accu later on.
have you tried pantothenic acid supplements? It legit got rid of all my cystic acne within a month or two. I take 2g per day.
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  • #17
this is what my eyebrows look like after using this


wanted to edit the post to add but cant jfl
not many people know but, beef tallow is the BEST MOISTURIZER BY A MILE

Gives you youthful, strong and vibrant skin.

and this is something I've been experiencing with myself.

Tallow represents your bodies own moisturizer (sebum) the most in structure.

View attachment 36043

Apply tallow and you basically use natures moisturizer.

View attachment 36044

topical beef tallow application and collagen (gelatin) consumption are two incredibly easy ways to obtain phenomenal skin

beef tallow provides a perfect ratio of fatty acids on your skin along with some fat soluble vitamins that feed skin cells the stuff they need

View attachment 36045

a fun extra is that when applied, it will also grow out your lashes and eyebrows (along with the fact that rubbing it on your scalp literally reverses hairloss)

collagen consumption makes the skin TIGHT, wrinkles will disappear and your skin will be stuck to your bones very firmly.

every feature will pop out better, not in the gay sense, but the fact that collagen is very essential to your biology and you now radiate vitality and health (girls now finally want your offspring)
neanderthal n***a wear jus sum sunscreen

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