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The worst thing about despair is that


Well-known member
Aug 26, 2024
Is that it can easily turn into murderous rage. Despair on its own is obviously bad enough, but when you get to the point where you could murder an entire family or school grade and feel no remorse, that’s when you realise you’ve truly been screwed over and it won’t get any better. Once I realised this my mindset heavily changed because no matter what I’ll do I’m still going to have thoughts that would make me come off as worse than serial killers to most people. My country/environment fucked me over and I’m paying the price, I’m a traumatised ogre and my hatred grows further every day.
Yeah man especially the killer part killing people because your suffering is so low t it's laughable instead of pulling yourself out you end human life
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  • #3
Yeah man especially the killer part killing people because your suffering is so low t it's laughable instead of pulling yourself out you end human life
Dumb normie tier response, there is no “pulling yourself out” if you have serious problems

I’m not going to go out and kill random kids, but there are certain people who I would love to torture to death, pretty sure that’s not low t it’s just the normal response. If someone tormented you and ruined your life would you not want to retaliate?
do not say dis
Dumb normie tier response, there is no “pulling yourself out” if you have serious problems

I’m not going to go out and kill random kids, but there are certain people who I would love to torture to death, pretty sure that’s not low t it’s just the normal response. If someone tormented you and ruined your life would you not want to retaliate?
No f****t it is low t you wasting time trying to get even it's not going to happen and yes there is pulling yourself out francis ngannou is a perfect example stop the cope
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  • #6
No f****t it is low t you wasting time trying to get even it's not going to happen and yes there is pulling yourself out francis ngannou is a perfect example stop the cope
Ngannou never had actual problems. You’re the one coping
imagine calling me a cuck when you literally think killing people is low t. you’re so retarded it hurts, i dont get how anyone can be this stupid. please work on improving your iq because i dont want to continue interacting with a downie
And your not gonna kill anyone you going to get rocked before anything can happen keep having these fantasy's like a 14 year old emo
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  • #10
do not say mean
And your not gonna kill anyone you going to get rocked before anything can happen keep having these fantasy's like a 14 year old emo
“get rocked” by who you fucking r3tard?
it sounds corny but its true tbh. thankfully ive never felt this way but watched plenty of documentaries of normies going insane after getting fucked over and over again. its like they feel as if they are protecting themselves by killing people since they think everyone is out to get them
Is that it can easily turn into murderous rage. Despair on its own is obviously bad enough, but when you get to the point where you could murder an entire family or school grade and feel no remorse, that’s when you realise you’ve truly been screwed over and it won’t get any better. Once I realised this my mindset heavily changed because no matter what I’ll do I’m still going to have thoughts that would make me come off as worse than serial killers to most people. My country/environment fucked me over and I’m paying the price, I’m a traumatised ogre and my hatred grows further every day.
Who can you blame when everyone around you has the same fate?
No f****t it is low t you wasting time trying to get even it's not going to happen and yes there is pulling yourself out francis ngannou is a perfect example stop the cope
How the fuck is it "low t" and not the complete opposite?
If you never get revenge on someone and do the same thing to them and keep coping with muh heckin self improve and get better than them you will always be unhappy. Not getting natural revenge is the definition of a bitch, low t.
How the fuck is it "low t" and not the complete opposite?
If you never get revenge on someone and do the same thing to them and keep coping with muh heckin self improve and get better than them you will always be unhappy. Not getting natural revenge is the definition of a bitch, low t.
Killing them is not revenge revenge it doing what they did to you that's why it's called eye for an eye not eye for a arm it doesn't make sense and it's low t
How the fuck is it "low t" and not the complete opposite?
If you never get revenge on someone and do the same thing to them and keep coping with muh heckin self improve and get better than them you will always be unhappy. Not getting natural revenge is the definition of a bitch, low t.
hii iamnotincel 💖🥺

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