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Discussion Virgin or nothing

Ethan Asia

Chintuck22 on org
May 21, 2020
I could never be in a relationship with a woman who engaged in any sexual activity whatsoever. Is this wrong?

I'm 21 and most women my age have had sex, for me, when they try to initiate relationship, i shy away and friendzone them, because the though of being with a non-virgin woman is disgusting to me, genuinely. I have female friends but they had experience - That's why they're my ''friends''.
not wrong at all, i’m the same way but im a girl.
it’s totally okay to have these boundaries, you’ll eventually find a woman that fits your standards, just be patient.
I could never be in a relationship with a woman who engaged in any sexual activity whatsoever. Is this wrong?

I'm 21 and most women my age have had sex, for me, when they try to initiate relationship, i shy away and friendzone them, because the though of being with a non-virgin woman is disgusting to me, genuinely. I have female friends but they had experience - That's why they're my ''friends''.
now kiss
I could never be in a relationship with a woman who engaged in any sexual activity whatsoever. Is this wrong?

I'm 21 and most women my age have had sex, for me, when they try to initiate relationship, i shy away and friendzone them, because the though of being with a non-virgin woman is disgusting to me, genuinely. I have female friends but they had experience - That's why they're my ''friends''.
This is how society has been for millennia but the Joos changed it and spread degeneracy.
I also would prefer a virgin because I am a Christian and believe one should save themselves for marriage. However, if she has had sex before marriage but repented and denounced that way of life, I would consider.
I could never be in a relationship with a woman who engaged in any sexual activity whatsoever. Is this wrong?

I'm 21 and most women my age have had sex, for me, when they try to initiate relationship, i shy away and friendzone them, because the though of being with a non-virgin woman is disgusting to me, genuinely. I have female friends but they had experience - That's why they're my ''friends''.
No, it's not wrong. Whatever your principles may be they aren't wrong. But why would you have girls in the "friend zone"? Are they actually fun for you to let them hang around you?
If you are virgin I don't see the problem, because I do feel insecure about being with someone more experimented than me. But, if you are not, i don't think it makes sense because well, you are like her after all you can't ask for something you are not nor deserve. Personally I think I will die virgin, no matter if I ascend, nobody would want to be with a loser because virgin=loser no matter what sex you are, all people I know think that virgin=loser and as long as you didn't did something extreme like having more than 3 partners you are considered a normal person, and promiscous girls are even more fetishised than anyone since they want to be the ones "tamming the beasts". So it's over for virgins girls and boys.
Virgin young women are rare, it will be delusional to hope having a virgin woman unless she is extremely religious and wait marriage

Virgins or non-virgins, men need to remember that these both type of women wait for top-tier satisfaction during sex, ask girls their 1st time and they'll tell you it was bad or trash. A lot of virgin women want experienced men as well

So imagine how many "experienced" women was disappointed in many men

We still need to outperform

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