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Well-known member
Dec 21, 2023
does anyone know anything about using vosoritide for heightmaxxing?

also my aromasin will come in next week

I’m gonna get on T4 as soon as I find a good source, so any suggestions would help
does anyone know anything about using vosoritide for heightmaxxing?

also my aromasin will come in next week

I’m gonna get on T4 as soon as I find a good source, so any suggestions would help
how old are you?
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  • #10
Only for people with dwarfism and achondroplasia, wont work for people who dont have these disabilites.
what are your thoughts on T4? It is meant to be taken for the patient’s whole life, but the patient would have hypothyroidism. On a healthy person, would your natural thyroxine production stop when you take T4? My question is are there any long term consequences of using T4 in a heightmaxxing stack? Will I give myself hypothyroidism?
what are your thoughts on T4? It is meant to be taken for the patient’s whole life, but the patient would have hypothyroidism. On a healthy person, would your natural thyroxine production stop when you take T4? My question is are there any long term consequences of using T4 in a heightmaxxing stack? Will I give myself hypothyroidism?
Hypothyroidism is always a risk when messing with T4, gotta keep that in mind. Especially for prolonged usage. I personally never used T4 in in my heightmaxxing stack but yes, there is long term consequences in anything when you're messing with your bodies hormones. I think if you're gettign monitored well and are able to hop off before yo get hptd it gives you a safer chance.
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  • #12
Hypothyroidism is always a risk when messing with T4, gotta keep that in mind. Especially for prolonged usage. I personally never used T4 in in my heightmaxxing stack but yes, there is long term consequences in anything when you're messing with your bodies hormones. I think if you're gettign monitored well and are able to hop off before yo get hptd it gives you a safer chance.
ok. imo it’s not worth it for the marginal difference it’ll make