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What Can I Do About Babyface/Chubby Cheeks?


New member
Jul 31, 2019
I lost about 30 pounds last year and my face stopped being fat except for my cheeks, which have developed loose skin/jowels. Would mewing more and getting a wider jawline even this out and make it stop being an issue? Could facial excercises work or are they a cope? I want thinner cheeks that fit to my face/jawline better but im not interested in smoking meth or anything like that either.
how old are you? if youre still in puberty wait out until you grow out of your baby fat. if that doesnt work leanmaxx and if that doesnt work get buccal fat removal or smth

im almost 19, been 5'10 for a few years and i dont really expect to get much taller or bigger than i am since im already bigger than my dad (he's 5'6), im sure theres a slim possibility that i could grow a little more into my 20s and maybe be like 5'11. I think my issue might just be shit genetics since my dad has the same skinnyfat/chubby cheeks i have. Im probably j gonna leanmaxx and see where that gets me.
im almost 19, been 5'10 for a few years and i dont really expect to get much taller or bigger than i am since im already bigger than my dad (he's 5'6), im sure theres a slim possibility that i could grow a little more into my 20s and maybe be like 5'11. I think my issue might just be shit genetics since my dad has the same skinnyfat/chubby cheeks i have. Im probably j gonna leanmaxx and see where that gets me.
Get lipo. Or just surgically remove the excess fat/skin.
tbh It just sounds like your bones are too shit and can't support your soft tissue. just mew and/or surgerymaxx