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Discussion What do you think of andrew and tristan tate

I like anyone who refuses to be cancelled. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Anyone who says they get offended, about anything, is my enemy.
yeah I think so, pretty sure they couldn’t get enough evidence for a trial so they released them
I seen something about how all the girls who came forward claiming they'd been trafficked were found to be liars.
Cool guys, brought a ton of banger memes to the internet

Disagree with their ideas tho. Too conservative + red pill
Scammers like every other "alpha male" on the internet.
Cool guys, brought a ton of banger memes to the internet

Disagree with their ideas tho. Too conservative + red pill
They are scammers but I don't think that's the only thing they got going on. Western society has been conditioning men to be timid pussies, subject to female approval, for decades now and they're railing against it. They're very passionate about speaking a lot of truth on that end. They model the correct attitude to being in opposition toward how modern society wants men to behave.
Andrew tate used to run an adult Webcam site he talks about masculinity while wearing tight suits makes him look retarded imo
Also alpha male can't be getting mogged like this
he's all serious and while Brandon is chilling
So anyone who talks shit about people who say bad things about them has a fragile ego?
he feels the need to prove himself to others all the time, a person who needs to show others ‘how great’ and ‘how awesome’ they are screams fragile ego. he also has the habit of yelling and screaming his views to make himself seem more ‘correct.’ loud ≠ correct. if he truly didn’t have a fragile ego he wouldn’t need to get validation from the world, not only that but he also uses the amount of women he gets as leverage. as if he doesn’t pay them a shit load of money to put his penis inside them, doesn’t seem like a flex to me. they’re being paid to be okay with it. (andrew tate is who im talking abt btw)
he feels the need to prove himself to others all the time, a person who needs to show others ‘how great’ and ‘how awesome’ they are screams fragile ego. he also has the habit of yelling and screaming his views to make himself seem more ‘correct.’ loud ≠ correct. if he truly didn’t have a fragile ego he wouldn’t need to get validation from the world, not only that but he also uses the amount of women he gets as leverage. as if he doesn’t pay them a shit load of money to put his penis inside them, doesn’t seem like a flex to me. they’re being paid to be okay with it. (andrew tate is who im talking abt btw)
You use the word "need" a lot. Ever think you might be jumping the gun a little? I used to bang a lot of hookers. Now somebody who didn't know any better might think I was filling some sort of need myself. Simply put though, I just got off on using desolate women who were uncomfortable with doing that sort of thing and probably didn't want to be sleeping with me. Knowing they most likely didn't have a choice or were too dumb to know how to do anything else fed my sadistic sexual nature. For me it was desire, not need.

Did you ever stop to think he just might ENJOY doing that stuff? Making himself a pariah in the face of his enemies and imposing on them by refusing to be cancelled?

There are two types of people who do the sort of thing he does. Those who do it from a position of bitter weakness and those who do it from a position of strength. Those needful bitter folks who do it from a position of weakness never last very long. It appears to me that Tate's having a hell of a lot of fun doing what he's doing.

Let me guess, people who use foul language only do so because they lack the vocabulary to use other ways of speaking? Humans are complicated creatures. The world can get boring. You ought not be so quick to assume a person's motives.
You use the word "need" a lot. Ever think you might be jumping the gun a little? I used to bang a lot of hookers. Now somebody who didn't know any better might think I was filling some sort of need myself. Simply put though, I just got off on using desolate women who were uncomfortable with doing that sort of thing and probably didn't want to be sleeping with me. Knowing they most likely didn't have a choice or were too dumb to know how to do anything else fed my sadistic sexual nature. For me it was desire, not need.

Did you ever stop to think he just might ENJOY doing that stuff? Making himself a pariah in the face of his enemies and imposing on them by refusing to be cancelled?

There are two types of people who do the sort of thing he does. Those who do it from a position of bitter weakness and those who do it from a position of strength. Those needful bitter folks who do it from a position of weakness never last very long. It appears to me that Tate's having a hell of a lot of fun doing what he's doing.

Let me guess, people who use foul language only do so because they lack the vocabulary to use other ways of speaking? Humans are complicated creatures. The world can get boring. You ought not be so quick to assume a person's motives.
So he's not masculine or alpha of course paying for something you can get for free and make having fun a priority
No he's not. People who spend money on that shit are the problem. Whatever can be broken must be broken. Let the simps get what they deserve.
They wouldn't be able to spend money on it if it didn't exist
No he's not. People who spend money on that shit are the problem. Whatever can be broken must be broken. Let the simps get what they deserve.
There's little difference between tate and simps
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You use the word "need" a lot. Ever think you might be jumping the gun a little? I used to bang a lot of hookers. Now somebody who didn't know any better might think I was filling some sort of need myself. Simply put though, I just got off on using desolate women who were uncomfortable with doing that sort of thing and probably didn't want to be sleeping with me. Knowing they most likely didn't have a choice or were too dumb to know how to do anything else fed my sadistic sexual nature. For me it was desire, not need.

Did you ever stop to think he just might ENJOY doing that stuff? Making himself a pariah in the face of his enemies and imposing on them by refusing to be cancelled?

There are two types of people who do the sort of thing he does. Those who do it from a position of bitter weakness and those who do it from a position of strength. Those needful bitter folks who do it from a position of weakness never last very long. It appears to me that Tate's having a hell of a lot of fun doing what he's doing.

Let me guess, people who use foul language only do so because they lack the vocabulary to use other ways of speaking? Humans are complicated creatures. The world can get boring. You ought not be so quick to assume a person's motives.
No he's not. People who spend money on that shit are the problem. Whatever can be broken must be broken. Let the simps get what they deserve.
this is like saying OF models aren’t the problem and only men are, both are the problem. both the providers and buyers.😂
I think Tate slightly copes about looks, which I would too if I was in his position, but he seems like a smart man making an act on the internet for more money
So he's not masculine or alpha of course paying for something you can get for free and make having fun a priority
Are you talking about me paying for hookers? I couldn't get it for free because it was a kink of mine to have sex with them specifically because they were hookers and getting paid for it. I had a live in girlfriend too for a lot of the time during that period of my life.
They wouldn't be able to spend money on it if it didn't exist
They'd still be losers though. I'm willing to bet all the money I have.

They pay for only fans and "alpha male" course subscriptions because THEY ARE losers. They aren't losers because they pay for only fans and "alpha male" course subscriptions.
this is like saying OF models aren’t the problem and only men are, both are the problem. both the providers and buyers.😂
Do you really think that the type of people who pay for OF type junk would be making moves and throwing weight around in this world if it didn't exist?
Are you talking about me paying for hookers? I couldn't get it for free because it was a kink of mine to have sex with them specifically because they were hookers and getting paid for it. I had a live in girlfriend too for a lot of the time during that period of my life.
No I'm talking about tate
Do you really think that the type of people who pay for OF type junk would be making moves and throwing weight around in this world if it didn't exist?
Yes simps are low t men with zero purpose in life because they are hyper focused on women simps could be useful for society if they didn't have an influence

This right here is absolute Gold.
Talks fast like a female and back in ww2 everyone was not "g" did he study history at all masculine men are not hyper focusing on being masculine
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Did he just blame a TV show for messing up society 🤣
Yes simps are low t men with zero purpose in life because they are hyper focused on women simps could be useful for society if they didn't have an influence
They'd just spend more of their time on video games and free porn. If free porn didn't exist then they'd just be jerking off to the lingerie sections of SEARS catalogues. If those didn't exist they'd just be sitting around home all day jerking off to the memories of girls they knew in highschool.
They'd just spend more of their time on video games and free porn. If free porn didn't exist then they'd just be jerking off to the lingerie sections of SEARS catalogues. If those didn't exist they'd just be sitting around home all day jerking off to the memories of girls they knew in highschool.
Yeah but you can't jerk off all day but you can chat and send money to a cam model all day
Tate paying for sex
Maybe he enjoys hookers for the sake of what they are like I did. Maybe the transactional nature of it gets him off. Time is money man, and men crave sexual variety. For someone like him it's gotta be way cheaper to just drop money into the hands of high end escorts in order to drain his balls than it is to spend the average amount of time needed in order to manipulate multiple women into having sex.

"I don't want to spend time talking to any of you or making you feel comfortable. I just want to fuck. And I want to fuck about 8 of you over the course of the next two days."
Talks fast like a female and back in ww2 everyone was not "g" did he study history at all masculine men are not hyper focusing on being masculine
You're talking about the transatlantic accent/speech tempo. Men did it too. Check out old movies. Everybody did. You're majoring in the minors, man.

Masculine men are all sorts of things. And I don't think he his hyper focused on "being masculine". Most men are pussies in Western society though and he's just pointing that out.