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Serious What if


Ϫ Kaiser Ϫ
Established ★
Sep 22, 2023
Ancient Carthage
Order of Nihil
one goes around the world and murders all the world leaders with brute strength , crushing their tyranny ...
bringing back chaos and anarchy so humanity can regulates itself
i want a collection of the heads of world leaders
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Wouldn't they be the most wanted person on earth the leaders would pay to have them killed
one goes around the world and murders all the world leaders with brute strength , crushing their tyranny ...
bringing back chaos and anarchy so humanity can regulates itself
i want a collection of the heads of world leaders
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You don't believe that behind every leader are dozens of people primed to take their place?
one goes around the world and murders all the world leaders with brute strength , crushing their tyranny ...
bringing back chaos and anarchy so humanity can regulates itself
i want a collection of the heads of world leaders
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One man tried doing similar thing quite a while ago. Sadly, the big-nosed leaders manipulated the normal people to help them defeat him
easier said than done
and in the end, people will resume their order as always, borders will form and leaders will rule. have you ever heard of the entropy phenomena, where if you take a bunch of dice in a jar and shake them around, they will eventually be neatly arranged?
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easier said than done
and in the end, people will resume their order as always, borders will form and leaders will rule. have you ever heard of the entropy phenomena, where if you take a bunch of dice in a jar and shake them around, they will eventually be neatly arranged?
there is an unnatural system imposed on humans
if you destroy tyranny , the old world order will come back
there is an unnatural system imposed on humans
if you destroy tyranny , the old world order will come back
somebody will always be there to take advantage of opportunities like these, and swoop in to become powerful. you cant assume an ideal situation where nobody wants to rule