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When i mew i dont feel my tip pushing my palate when my root is engaged


New member
Jul 5, 2019
when i mew: my root is pushing normally and the sag under my chin disappears (but I can't breathe) but my tip isn't engaged much or at all (but it is touching the palate) but when I do engage the tip; I can breathe, the sag still disappears and my root is engaged but then I feel like I'm hard mewing. So Which is the correct tongue posture?
when i mew: my root is pushing normally and the sag under my chin disappears (but I can't breathe) but my tip isn't engaged much or at all (but it is touching the palate) but when I do engage the tip; I can breathe, the sag still disappears and my root is engaged but then I feel like I'm hard mewing. So Which is the correct tongue posture?
may be your head-body posture is not proper. jst try to keet your head nd body in straight axis nd then you can push ur palat with whole of your tongue
when i mew: my root is pushing normally and the sag under my chin disappears (but I can't breathe) but my tip isn't engaged much or at all (but it is touching the palate) but when I do engage the tip; I can breathe, the sag still disappears and my root is engaged but then I feel like I'm hard mewing. So Which is the correct tongue posture?

Reason on why you can't breathe while your tongue root is fully engaged: Your airway is too small aka not enough horizontal growth, narrow palate
My advice:
  • Keep mewing in intervals (example: 10 seconds of hard mewing/normal mewing without being able to breathe). Rest. Repeat. (until your palate expands a bit you will be stuck with this) and then at the ''rest'' phase keep the tongue up but in a way in which you will be able to breathe.​
  • Arm yourself with patience, this is a slow process.​

This is what INCORRECT vs CORRECT tongue posture looks like:


Edit: about the tip: tongue chew with it to to strengthen it

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