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Which side should I be chewing on


Active member
Dec 18, 2023
Ik somethings up with my jaw symmetry I just can’t tell which side it is so if someone can help let a brother know


  • 0640E4E6-CA76-4C92-8FE9-4E88BC114ABE.jpeg
    274.9 KB · Views: 33
Another day
Another Chad

When will my suffering my end
both sides evenly
Right side of your face is slightly less developed than the left. Chew more on your right.
i shall tell you friend, do not necrobump

if a post is at least a month old, it is a necrobump
i shall tell you friend, do not necrobump

if a post is at least a month old, it is a necrobump
Why not just let it be allowed with some nuance?

@Dean honestly given the very slow nature of this forum, it doesn't hurt. And by nuance I mean low effort necro-bumps where nothing new is added to the conversation?
Why not just let it be allowed with some nuance?

@Dean honestly given the very slow nature of this forum, it doesn't hurt. And by nuance I mean low effort necro-bumps where nothing new is added to the conversation?
yeah, there is some nuance

when a good discussion starts going in the thread, or the thread is not a rating thread and has some questions/feedback, i dont touch it.

generally i give verbals or say publicly first for the low effort or dead threads

anywyas, its a good idea to check post date, relevancy of the post you are about to submit, and the user who posted the thread and when he was last online

like here:


Joined Dec 18, 2023
Last seen Jul 3, 2024

this thread > month old
it depends
yeah, there is some nuance

when a good discussion starts going in the thread, or the thread is not a rating thread and has some questions/feedback, i dont touch it.

generally i give verbals or say publicly first for the low effort or dead threads

anywyas, its a good idea to check post date, relevancy of the post you are about to submit, and the user who posted the thread and when he was last online

like here:


Joined Dec 18, 2023
Last seen Jul 3, 2024

this thread > month old
it depends
I’m glad he responded goat in my books