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who’s the most beautiful?

Brooke Sheilds 🗣️
Brooke or Adriana are both ideal imo, they are tall and have good features so they exceed my standards
Brooke is clearly the winner, she has the best phenotype and features overall, truly the most stunning woman. In second place is Adriana, she perfectly blends sex appeal with beauty. In terms of attractiveness she comes very close to Brooke.
Brooke. Easy.
Brooke sheilds in these pics is 15 year old and not fully grown
with full growth she looks like this1611_v9_bc.jpg

my answer is lima
she hasnt had surgery, shes a singer whos very famous for her beauty

also whats with you and asian people
i love asian baddies

i am looking at her older pictures it looks like she got a lip filler and her face is slimmer and more v shaped which is a common surgery in east asia