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I need some help finding a new style


The one who left it all behind
Oct 18, 2023
Please use this thread as a reference: Rate Me, Please (M18) Based on these pictures, what style would you suggest? I was personally thinking about old money or baggy clothing for myself.
baggy clothing is for kids
go for old money with your tall frame you will become irresistible especially if you move to a méditerrian country
Thank you for your reply.

I was leaning towards old money as well, but I am concerned it might make me appear older and more serious than I really am. And what are your thoughts on oversized clothes?
i mean oversized cloths are cool and all but they make you appear way younger , im 18 too and i dont wear them anymore
death , obscura and necrophagist
Check them out , they blend metal with jazz and baroque
Yeah I gave 'em a listen. No offense but screamo is not my thing, I cannot understand a word they are saying. Screamo is probably the cause of every mass shooting in existence, and they are trying to use mass shootings to ban my guns, and I do not want them to ban my guns.

And also most screamo just seems too satanic and evil for my tastes. I think the reason it is this way is because of Clown World. The reason for Clown World is because humans have become overly domesticated, they do not have a proper outlet for their humanity. Halloween was created as a (pathetic) attempt to remedy this, but it is not a real outlet for anything. So instead it is manifested as Screamo music.

I did not encounter any jazz or baroque as you say, what songs are their best jazz and baroque songs?
No offense but screamo is not my thing
bro its not screamo :pensivecold: , screamo is a whole another genre that is independent of metal
what songs are their best jazz and baroque songs
what are the songs you listened too ?

this song composition is an example in incorporating jazz with metal
idk dude if you aren't a musicien you cant really tell
I cannot understand a word they are saying.
look at the lyrics they are often deep
Obscura lyrical themes are about creation , religion , genesis , the universe , the cosmos ect...
Is that a clothing brand?
no, it’s some kind of clothing style, I wouldn’t tell you look for it on pinterest or instagram but you should definitely check about it in google, make your own research and form a style with your own ideas of it
clothing is the biggest scam ever released upon humanity.

buying clothes you don't need is equivalent to donating money to war criminals
I think somethink like this will suit you well, corteiz, jordans etc. Not sure if you like this tho
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i think jordans aren't that bad, but i don't really like the rest that much, i don't think it will fit me. i was thinking about old money or dressing like @samm.zia on tiktok
if you like it go for it, its affordable too, H&M have a lot old-money clothes.

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