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    This is a public discussion forum. The owners, staff, and users of this website ARE NOT engaged in rendering professional services to the individual reader. DO NOT use the content of this website as an alternative to personal examination and advice from licenced healthcare providers. DO NOT begin, delay, or discontinue treatments and/or exercises without licenced medical supervision. Learn more

Announcement Forum Rules & FAQ's

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You are the greatest project you’ll ever work on.
Mar 17, 2019
Texas, USA
Instagram: looksmaxxing
Order of Nihil
Welcome to Looksmaxxing Forum

This is a community made for guys who are looking to improve their appearance and get better in all areas of life.

If you are interested in becoming better looking, attracting your dream partner, increasing your wealth, gaining status, being rated, or simply becoming the best version of yourself, then this is the forum for you.

Please note: While this forum is primarily designed for males looking to improve their appearance, we welcome any gender who wants to join the community and contribute to the forum.

Terms of Service:
Privacy Policy:

Forum Rules
  1. No Doxxing: Do not leak anyone's personal information without their permission.
  2. Be Nice: Be respectful and kind to other members of the community. We have a zero-tolerance policy for racism, misogyny, and any other forms of hate speech. Constructive criticism is welcome.
  3. No Mention or Discussion of Controversial Figures: Do not reference or glorify individuals known for violent or extremist behavior, such as Elliot Rodger, Richard Ramirez, Hitler, etc. This includes any discussion that promotes, condones, or seeks to normalize their actions or ideologies. Additionally, you are not permitted to include them in your avatar.
  4. No Spam or Low-Effort Posting: Do not spam or post repetitive, low-quality content to artificially gain reputation or boost post counts. Ensure your contributions are meaningful.
  5. No Dating or Flirting: This is not a dating site. Do not use the forum to seek romantic relationships or engage in flirting.
  6. No Pornographic Material: Do not post pornographic content of any nature.
  7. Legal Compliance: Behavior on the site must comply with United States law.
  8. Use Correct Tags: Ensure you use the appropriate tags for your posts.
  9. No Gore or Violent Material: Do not post gore or violent content.
  10. No Illegal Content: Do not post illegal content or incite anyone to commit illegal acts of any kind.
  11. No Spam Advertising: For inquiries, please visit our contact page.
  12. Search Before Posting: Use the search toolbar to find topics of interest before posting a new thread. Your question may have already been answered in a previous thread.
  13. No Alt Accounts: Do not create alternate accounts to evade a ban or to break forum rules.
Medical Disclaimer

This is a public discussion forum. The owners, staff, and users of this website are not engaged in rendering professional services to the individual reader. Do not use the content of this website as an alternative to personal examination and advice from licenced healthcare providers. Do not begin, delay, or discontinue treatments and/or exercises without licenced medical supervision.

Ban Policy

Verbal Warning
= (0% warning = 0 warning points)
10% Warning = 10 Warning points
20% Warning = 20 Warning points
30% Warning = 30 Warning points
40% Warning = 40 Warning points
50% Warning = 50 Warning points
60% Warning = 60 Warning points (triggers a 1 day temporary ban)
70% Warning = 70 Warning points (triggers a 2 day temporary ban)
80% Warning = 80 Warning points (triggers a 3 day temporary ban)
90% Warning = 90 Warning points (triggers a 3 day temporary ban)
100% Warning (Permaban) = 100 Warning points (triggers a permanent ban)

Warnings expire by default after 1 month.

If for example you get a 20% warning and later get a 40% warning you would get a 1-day temporary ban.

Temp. Banned and Banned users CANT change their avatars, post new replies or threads, start new conversations, react to threads and posts, change their custom title and edit their signature.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

I Have a Serious Inquiry or Wish to Advertise, How Can I Get in Contact With You?​

Please see our contact page.

Why Do I Need to Provide a Reason for Wanting to Join the Forum When Signing Up?​

We want to ensure that every member is here for the same reason and to avoid being flooded with spam bots.

How Do I Change the Theme of the Forum?​

Click the 'Style chooser' button at the bottom left of the page to select a different theme.

How Do I Disable My Account?​

Contact a moderator who can permanently ban your account. We do not offer an account deletion service, so please be careful about what you post on the forum.

How Can I Stay Safe Online?​

The same way you do anywhere else: Don't post personal information (real name, address, phone, email, pictures, etc.) unless you are comfortable exposing that information to the whole internet. In short, don't post anything that can tie your real identity to your identity here, and of course, don't post anything illegal.

Last Updated: 21 September 2024
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  • Staff
  • #2
Just a couple updated rules:
  • All users have the ability to make edits to their messages for 1 week after posting.
  • We prioritize the online safety, security, and digital footprint of our members. If you've posted any messages containing personally identifiable information and wish to have them removed, please contact a staff member directly with the URL(s) of the specific messages. Please note that we do not offer bulk deletion of posts, as this can disrupt the forum experience for other members.
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