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Recent content by anon24

  1. anon24

    Wanting to lose weight while utilizing height growth.

    I have lost about 12 pounds since this post, I believe if I keep up with my diet of skipping breakfast, eating fruits and fiber for lunch and having protein for dinner it will be a steady but sure way of losing weight. I have also been able to eat cheat meals in a couple of those days. I do...
  2. anon24

    Wanting to lose weight while utilizing height growth.

    Hey, I am on here to try and get fast results with extreme measures. I am 16 and my stats are 5’10 252 lb. I have spinal issues mild scoliosis maybe due to my weight, so my height fluctuates down to 5’8. I am wanting to lose weight during the summer and grow in height but both seem hard to do...