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Recent content by gymcel88.

  1. gymcel88.

    Bbc is cope

    there’s different sub categories of white people if you’re talking about the neanderthal ogre looking ones then yes obv
  2. gymcel88.

    Method Mk677 5 day result

  3. gymcel88.

    Experience Being mtb as a black girl is an odd experience

    even if you aren’t someone’s “type” and they wouldn’t personally date you if you are attractive they will still be able to tell / you will benefit from pretty privilege
  4. gymcel88.

    Method Mk677 5 day result

    you should make a guide
  5. gymcel88.

    How Watching Lots of Porn Affects Your Brain and Looksmaxxing Goals

    quitting porn was one of the best things i ever did ik a lot of gay redpill self improvement guys say it a lot but it genuinely makes a difference after some time it deadass rots your brain and you cant see a female without thinking that typa stuff
  6. gymcel88.

    Normal person-maxxing

    Agreed Looks are just first impressions/ how people will treat you if they dont know you personality = making friends and forming meaningful connections
  7. gymcel88.


    you have a shit ton of makeup in both get off of here just another foid fishing for compliments and male validation
  8. gymcel88.

    Method Mk677 5 day result

    keep us updated mane
  9. gymcel88.

    Bbc is cope

    Yea that is true but usually thats seen amongst women like men tend to see ethnic women as exotic rather than vice versa
  10. gymcel88.

    Bbc is cope

    They say that cuz they have a savior complex deep down they know they all want a white man
  11. gymcel88.

    Bbc is cope

  12. gymcel88.

    Method Mk677 5 day result

    is there not any long term side effects
  13. gymcel88.

    Bbc is cope

    There definitely is a couple who like black guys but typically its when they grew up in an environment where that was the norm or theyre just “ rebellious “ because it isnt seen as something positive by their families for the most part also its the promiscuous girls who only care about sex and...
  14. gymcel88.

    Bbc is cope

    literally everything lol almost every feature thats seen as “desirable “ is a european feature nose, skull, everything almost look at cosmetic surgery is usually ethnic people trying to change their ethnic features also white guys naturally look more “civilized “ imagine seeing a tall white...
  15. gymcel88.

    Method Mk677 5 day result

    Then why u taking it💀💀💀