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Recent content by Marlo

  1. Marlo

    What’s up bro ! Yeah I don’t come on here too much anymore, I can’t do much to help most of...

    What’s up bro ! Yeah I don’t come on here too much anymore, I can’t do much to help most of these guys. If you still wanna get in touch I can give you a phone number
  2. Marlo

    New Here - 32-Year-Old Male

    You are working with a very decent budget. You should send pictures of yourself to me so I can offer some suggestions.
  3. Marlo

    Are my cheekbones decent?

    Not really. You might be able to make them slightly higher with implants but they’d still be considered low
  4. Marlo

    New Here - 32-Year-Old Male

    How much money do you have to spend on procedures.
  5. Marlo

    Hey everyone, I'm 18 and am looking to work on my face mostly.

    Jawsercise or however the f**k you spell it is a sure-fire way to give yourself TMD. f**k that.
  6. Marlo

    Are my cheekbones decent?

    Low set but doesn’t matter for you anyways because they are flat. High is ideal, but there are plenty of extremely gl people with low. Your cheekbones are flat/have no prominence. Cheek implants might help you but they won’t really be able to change the position, just the prominence. Even at...
  7. Marlo

    Hi new here, any females on here?

    Makeup + maintaining your health (not being fat as f**k or thin as a rail). That’s all you need to do. I don’t think this forum is for incels, just for guys looking to improve their looks. Why just guys? Because there’s no such thing as “average” for men. You either got it or you don’t. There’s...
  8. Marlo

    Hi new here, any females on here?

    If you’re a girl and ended up here I can’t begin to imagine what you look like. This forum and similar websites are for men who either can’t get laid or don’t think they can because of what they look like. Some might be delusional, but others have real problems. If you’re a chick and you’re...
  9. Marlo

    Hi new here, any females on here?

    Gisele looks like a man, pick a different goal
  10. Marlo

    Who mogs?

    You two should just f**k and forget about it
  11. Marlo

    I cant bite my back molars together when mewing...

    Back molars meaning wisdom teeth? If so, I wouldn’t be too worried about it. If your first and/or second molars don’t touch when you mew but do touch when you’re not, also wouldn’t worry about it. If they don’t touch no matter what you do, you probably have at least one tilted molar. Not a huge...
  12. Marlo

    Sides of the head too bulky

    Skin fades look like shit on 99% of people and they make you look try-hard as hell.
  13. Marlo

    Do. I have hunter eyes when my face is looking straight into the camera or looking down there's no eyelid exposure but when i tilt my head up there's

    do you, with your full intellectual capacity, truly believe we can give you any information based on these pictures
 Jesus Christ. If you want a full rate, feel free to PM me so the pictures can’t be seen by anyone. You could even send me your eye area, just make sure your midface and forehead...
  14. Marlo

    Sides of the head too bulky

    Also the only reason your head might seem bulky is because your hairline is receding. It’s not a matter of bone structure. Hell, I’d consider your temporal bones to be a bit narrow.
  15. Marlo

    Sides of the head too bulky

    This is a great opportunity to talk about one problem many people on these forums have: Just because ONE person said ‘x’ about your appearance DOESNT MAKE IT TRUE. I’ve seen your pictures; the sides of your head aren’t bulky. If anything, you could use some more “bulk” when it comes to your...