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Search results

  1. Tim

    Hair advice, had the same hair entire life.

    It looks good
  2. Tim

    How Watching Lots of Porn Affects Your Brain and Looksmaxxing Goals

    and transgender/gay porn 😳
  3. Tim

    How Watching Lots of Porn Affects Your Brain and Looksmaxxing Goals

    havent spoken to a women in 5 years
  4. Tim

    Anyone wanna play geoguessr?
  5. Tim

    Anyone wanna play geoguessr?

    idk either. just for fun though
  6. Tim

    Anyone wanna play geoguessr?

    Anyone wanna play geoguessr? I can host the lobby. no account needed.
  7. Tim

    Discussion best music song?

  8. Tim

    News I give up on looksmaxxing... UNTIL NOW! Give advice/tips on what I should do

    I guess tha its good. I think he pulls girls so
  9. Tim

    Discussion best music song?

    This one is even better
  10. Tim

    How Watching Lots of Porn Affects Your Brain and Looksmaxxing Goals

    I bet if i would make a rating thread people will agree with me
  11. Tim

    Sunday has to be the worst day of the week

    Then its not a day of nothingness 😂
  12. Tim

    Sunday has to be the worst day of the week

    Learn programming
  13. Tim

    Sunday has to be the worst day of the week

    Invest the free time ot learn a skill
  14. Tim

    Sunday has to be the worst day of the week

    The other days i am working so sunday is the only day i have off
  15. Tim

    Sunday has to be the worst day of the week

    I Mean sunday offers you the most time foe yourselve. Or for me atleast
  16. Tim

    Sunday has to be the worst day of the week

    Sunday is the best. Why do you hate it?