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Search results

  1. 2008Looksmaxxer

    Discussion Is there any surgery to shorten my midface?

    From what I can tell I have a midface ratio of .73 and it’s what’s stopping me from ever coming close to Chad-lite is there anything I can do?
  2. 2008Looksmaxxer

    Discussion I have ascended

    Yeah as far as I know I’m sitting around htn
  3. 2008Looksmaxxer

    Discussion I have ascended

    Take test and hgh at 15 theory
  4. 2008Looksmaxxer

    Discussion I have ascended

    Nah I’m not look at my lips they would look really sped if I was also look at my jaw position in both low visibility in first but you can see their pretty much the same
  5. 2008Looksmaxxer

    Discussion I have ascended

    Not really in the first pic I have aquafor in them to make them straighter and darker I don’t in the second so no real change also as you say lighting
  6. 2008Looksmaxxer

    Discussion I have ascended

    @Nihilus @AstroSky
  7. 2008Looksmaxxer

    Theory STERIODS! is this the next looksmax??!! come find out

    hey astro how absurd would it be to take lower-end doses of test and hgh possibly dht at 15 to maximize puberty bonegrowth etc
  8. 2008Looksmaxxer

    Theory Closest PSL I’ve found to my features

    True but you se the resemblance no?
  9. 2008Looksmaxxer

    Theory Closest PSL I’ve found to my features

    @Nihilus you compared me to Astro sky but this is the guy that I couldn’t find and looks somewhat similar to me feature wise (obviously he mogs me to oblivion)
  10. 2008Looksmaxxer

    Discussion Is there a difference between these pics?

    Damian mb I might have misspelled him name
  11. 2008Looksmaxxer

    Discussion For everyone saying my haircut would look bad

    hmm, do you usually act like this?
  12. 2008Looksmaxxer

    Discussion Is there a difference between these pics?

    Is there a noticeable improvement in these pictures? Also @Nihilus ngl I see more of a resemblance between me and kater than me and Astro sky but more so then both this one psl which I forgot the name of but he has a very similar look to me I’ll try to find him and update this post with a pic...
  13. 2008Looksmaxxer

    Discussion What haircut should I get?

    Some of the pics my hair is wet without one I just wear a hat 24/7 since it’s always in my eyes
  14. 2008Looksmaxxer

    Discussion What haircut should I get?

    I have an appointment early tomorrow with my barber. He’s pretty good and he also knows how to use scissors to a decent degree. Here is a a bunch of pictures of my current hair. Should I go back to a low taper textured, fringe or should I get some other kind of cut? I feel as though my best...
  15. 2008Looksmaxxer

    Moving Over From .org

    i heard many people say this forum is dead. how true is that? id still rather be here than .org even if so since this forum has people with an iq over 80 unlike .org
  16. 2008Looksmaxxer

    Do I mog the other kid (im the one in glasses)

    smh classic. asking for opinions then getting mad when people tell the truth smh. just stop coping jfl you will never improve if you cant except the truth. Both LTN nobody really mogs anyone in that pic.
  17. 2008Looksmaxxer

    Moving Over From .org

    yo im mad confused how is 15 unc age thats no even that old