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Search results

  1. O

    Dovakiins what race did u chose in skyrim and why and what race is the best and why

    dark elf cos i like to do long shots and stealth with the bow + good potential with magic orc build if i wanna just smack the shit out of people with the hammer especially that old lady with the magic wolf shit in the lonely house khajit when im feeling cute gotta go crazy unarmed + can do a...
  2. O

    ascending is possible

    aye bro filter went hard i saw this one girl talking abt "i wouldnt pick myself :'(" like she cant just change her swag ??? and i was like "damn would i pick myself" and hell yea i would that shit made me way more cool looking than i am now but it has the right idea so fukkit 223 wading bird...
  3. O

    ascending is possible

    saw this tiktok filter thats kinda big and it makes u a video game character and that shit made me look gangster as f**k all i gotta do is get thicker eyebrows, a tan, and grow one of those faggy stubbly beard things and when im 23 i'll look cool as f**k i was insecure about the wrong shit all i...
  4. O

    need nihilus music recommendations

    i dont f**k with the germans i knew this german girl she pissed me off alien shit
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    need nihilus music recommendations

    idk man abortions kinda a hot topic brother
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    need nihilus music recommendations

    heard a skibidi jersey club beat once that shit goes so incredibly hard
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    need nihilus music recommendations

    iono i heard scenecore/witch house type shit and thats the type of shit i make but idk anyone who makes it :pensivecold: send dat shit brudda
  8. O

    need nihilus music recommendations

    idk how to dm people idk if its even a thing
  9. O

    need nihilus music recommendations

    he posted a song in here shit went hard i wanted to just chill and lurk and cry but that song goes crazy i need ur playlists bro