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Search results

  1. Hj___

    Do I even need to mew

    Idk if I need to or not
  2. Hj___

    Daily routine?

    Is this good? Any changes I should make?
  3. Hj___

    Should I use shampoo and conditioner today?

  4. Hj___

    Am I mewing right?

    Ik I look goofy😭
  5. Hj___

    Skincare in shower?

    Is it okay to do my skincare while I take my cold showers? Or do I have to do it separately?
  6. Hj___

    Rate joe bartolozzi from TikTok?

  7. Hj___

    Lil darkie?

    What’s your opinion on his music?
  8. Hj___

    Should I really get a buzz or should I do something else?

    Ik it prob looks like a mop rn but is sigma right that I should get a buzz? Recommend some other options too! If possible also I have really thick hair as you can tell
  9. Hj___

    What’s up guys I’m new

    (14M) best haircut for my face? Also some general tips to improve face, body etc. I’m all open ears