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Being a black girl in a predominately white country f*****g sucks.


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Jul 30, 2023
This is definitely the wrong place to post this and a lot of people aren't going care nor read and this might get me banned but God being black in a white country f*****g sucks. Honestly, sometimes I wish I was raised in Africa. I'm not self-hating black person, I'm definitely proud of my culture and my heritage but God why did I have to be raised in f*****g IRELAND. The majority of my self-esteem issues stem from from me being a black girl in a white country
Since the majority of you guys are literally the complete opposite of what I am, let me list the reasons being black specifically a girl sucks and why (sometimes) I get jealous of white people. (This is more specifically about 2nd gen immigrants and not African-Americans)

1. Your entire race is treated like a f*****g hivemind:

Lets say someone commits a crime, you don't know this person, it's just a complete randomer and they live in an entirely different area than you BUT this person happens to be the same race as you, boom your entire reputation is torn down, you're violent, it's just in your nature. Like, WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH ME. I don't know this person, why are you associating me with this f*****g person. I could associate you with the fella I saw punch an elderly woman in tescos last week but I don't because I have day to day interactions with people and view them as individuals with different experiences, opinions and values no matter what race they are.

2. You're unattractive by their metrics

This is going to be the most controversial point here since a lot of people here do believe that Eurocentric beauty is just objectively more attractive than Afrocentric. As someone who's lived in Africa I beg to differ. Their values in woman are very different to the ones here, what they find beautiful in women is very different to here. Going back to Africa always gives me the biggest boost in confidence. Suddenly I'm a ten, moment I come back here I'm a 3.
(This doesn't go for black guys, more specific for black women)

I believe that your attitude towards a certain race, how you personally feel about them, how often you're around them, if you dislike/like them can heavily influence your physical attraction to them. I used to be very attracted to black men but soon after being constantly belittled and bullied by them I physically was not attracted to them anymore. I'm attracted to white guys because white men are all you ever see everywhere when living in a white country. Majority of movie stars are white men/boys. The Disney channel shows I watched had white boys, majority of my classmates are white boys, I'm literally surrounded by white men, of course I'm going to be attracted to them.

3. You're held to a higher standard.

The moment you're born, you've got things to accomplish so you don't disappoint your aunties back in Africa. Your managers and your teachers notice your every flaw and all of your mistakes, you constantly notice your classmates being let off for things that the same teacher would've killed you for. The pressure of knowing that your mother migrated for you to have better opportunities and all the while your rep is being dragged down by some other stupid black guy who's mother immigrated here for him to just become a gang member or some loud mouthed black girl that everyone mistakes you for.

4.. Racism...

Most definitely the most obvious one. Everyone always talks about how bad it is to be a racist but no one actually talks about how much it f*****g sucks to the person getting racially abused. Especially now, I can't avoid it, I swear the internet has gotten ten times more racist then it used to be. I wish white guys had more empathy. They've never been a black person, they've never understood how it feels that you're entire race is just a joke to them, your entire life is just a joke, haha n****r so funny and you're just supposed to let your entire identity be mocked, or else your woke or sensitive. I wish I had the freedom of waking up everyday and not having to worry about the fact that I'm f*****g black and in a white country. I have to choose my friends a lot more carefully, I have to realise I'm not going be treated the same way as my friends, I'm not free to make the same mistakes as them. The thing about a lot of white people is they think that this shit is an exaggeration, my race has definitely impacted at least 80% of my life. I'd say if I had the exact same circumstances as a white woman, I wouldn't be nearly as depressed as I am now or be in the same place at all.

I think racism is a big reason I don't know how to interact with a lot of white boys, I just assume their all racist and avoid them, I can only talk to the gay ones and even sometimes the gay ones are f*****g assholes, I don't like doing this, I firmly believe in people being individuals but God I feel like the majority of them are racist or say racist jokes, a lot of people are going to say "racist jokes aren't bad, there just jokes". My brother in Christ, you've never been a black person. You don't know how it feels to have your whole identity constantly mocked, ridiculed and taken as a joke, me being black isn't just a part of me, it is me, I am black. I wish a white guy could see how it feels to be a black person maybe then they'd have a bit more empathy. White men are so lucky, there's nothing to mock about them. I am a black woman, that's double f*****g homicide, white guys will never know how that shit feels yet will claim that I shouldn't be bothered by it or that I'm being sensitive.

In all racism just sucks, I've never been racist towards white people and I never will be, I've been called a n****r more times than I can count IRL but I've never said any racist shit back, I will only ever attack the individual not their race.

In all:

Sometimes, I honestly believe in stopping migration temporarily. I don't like the idea of other black kids feeling the same way that I do, like my little sister. Low racial self esteem is honestly a killer. Black people as a community need to start bettering themselves for the benefit of all of us. We need to stay in our countries and fix them, to allow our children to grow up in a good environment. Once we've done that is when we can start migrating, bringing hard workers and intelligent people to the west and finally end harsh and negative stereotypes about us. But sadly this will never happen

The Africans ignorance and pride will forever be the reason we will never progress. The inability to admit that the our failure to progress in the modern world is our own fault will forever be our downfall, our ability to blame and point the finger at everyone else exceeds any other races. The moment any black person points out a flaw in the community as a whole they are shunned. The fact that I'm not able to single-handedly take on corruption in Africa pisses me off.

Once again I am not a self-hating black person, I just have the ability to recognise our flaws and will always fight for black people, which is why I am in full support of TAI (Total African Improvement)

I honestly posted this hear to hopefully get some white guys to see the world a completely different point of view. I know that a lot of you are very apathetic towards this kind of thing, upon posting this I realise that I'm gonna get a lot of DNR's but honestly I'm just happy to have typed this out. I'm gonna copy and paste this and probably post it on some other subreddits. If you did read thanks.
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  • #3
sorry to hear that is happening to you :( do u think things have gotten worse over the years or has it always been overwhelming negative for you? not sure what advice to give as I dont think id ever be able to see the world as you see it through your lens but I hope you can find happiness
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  • #5
ou :( do u think things have gotten worse over the years or has it always been overwhelming negative for you? not sure what advice to give as I dont think id ever be able to see the
You just notice it more as you get older. It only gets worse as you age
maybe move out to uk
This is definitely the wrong place to post this and a lot of people aren't going care nor read and this might get me banned but God being black in a white country f*****g sucks. Honestly, sometimes I wish I was raised in Africa. I'm not self-hating black person, I'm definitely proud of my culture and my heritage but God why did I have to be raised in f*****g IRELAND. The majority of my self-esteem issues stem from from me being a black girl in a white country
Since the majority of you guys are literally the complete opposite of what I am, let me list the reasons being black specifically a girl sucks and why (sometimes) I get jealous of white people. (This is more specifically about 2nd gen immigrants and not African-Americans)

1. Your entire race is treated like a f*****g hivemind:

Lets say someone commits a crime, you don't know this person, it's just a complete randomer and they live in an entirely different area than you BUT this person happens to be the same race as you, boom your entire reputation is torn down, you're violent, it's just in your nature. Like, WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH ME. I don't know this person, why are you associating me with this f*****g person. I could associate you with the fella I saw punch an elderly woman in tescos last week but I don't because I have day to day interactions with people and view them as individuals with different experiences, opinions and values no matter what race they are.

2. You're unattractive by their metrics

This is going to be the most controversial point here since a lot of people here do believe that Eurocentric beauty is just objectively more attractive than Afrocentric. As someone who's lived in Africa I beg to differ. Their values in woman are very different to the ones here, what they find beautiful in women is very different to here. Going back to Africa always gives me the biggest boost in confidence. Suddenly I'm a ten, moment I come back here I'm a 3.
(This doesn't go for black guys, more specific for black women)

I believe that your attitude towards a certain race, how you personally feel about them, how often you're around them, if you dislike/like them can heavily influence your physical attraction to them. I used to be very attracted to black men but soon after being constantly belittled and bullied by them I physically was not attracted to them anymore. I'm attracted to white guys because white men are all you ever see everywhere when living in a white country. Majority of movie stars are white men/boys. The Disney channel shows I watched had white boys, majority of my classmates are white boys, I'm literally surrounded by white men, of course I'm going to be attracted to them.

3. You're held to a higher standard.

The moment you're born, you've got things to accomplish so you don't disappoint your aunties back in Africa. Your managers and your teachers notice your every flaw and all of your mistakes, you constantly notice your classmates being let off for things that the same teacher would've killed you for. The pressure of knowing that your mother migrated for you to have better opportunities and all the while your rep is being dragged down by some other stupid black guy who's mother immigrated here for him to just become a gang member or some loud mouthed black girl that everyone mistakes you for.

4.. Racism...

Most definitely the most obvious one. Everyone always talks about how bad it is to be a racist but no one actually talks about how much it f*****g sucks to the person getting racially abused. Especially now, I can't avoid it, I swear the internet has gotten ten times more racist then it used to be. I wish white guys had more empathy. They've never been a black person, they've never understood how it feels that you're entire race is just a joke to them, your entire life is just a joke, haha n****r so funny and you're just supposed to let your entire identity be mocked, or else your woke or sensitive. I wish I had the freedom of waking up everyday and not having to worry about the fact that I'm f*****g black and in a white country. I have to choose my friends a lot more carefully, I have to realise I'm not going be treated the same way as my friends, I'm not free to make the same mistakes as them. The thing about a lot of white people is they think that this shit is an exaggeration, my race has definitely impacted at least 80% of my life. I'd say if I had the exact same circumstances as a white woman, I wouldn't be nearly as depressed as I am now or be in the same place at all.

I think racism is a big reason I don't know how to interact with a lot of white boys, I just assume their all racist and avoid them, I can only talk to the gay ones and even sometimes the gay ones are f*****g assholes, I don't like doing this, I firmly believe in people being individuals but God I feel like the majority of them are racist or say racist jokes, a lot of people are going to say "racist jokes aren't bad, there just jokes". My brother in Christ, you've never been a black person. You don't know how it feels to have your whole identity constantly mocked, ridiculed and taken as a joke, me being black isn't just a part of me, it is me, I am black. I wish a white guy could see how it feels to be a black person maybe then they'd have a bit more empathy. White men are so lucky, there's nothing to mock about them. I am a black woman, that's double f*****g homicide, white guys will never know how that shit feels yet will claim that I shouldn't be bothered by it or that I'm being sensitive.

In all racism just sucks, I've never been racist towards white people and I never will be, I've been called a n****r more times than I can count IRL but I've never said any racist shit back, I will only ever attack the individual not their race.

In all:

Sometimes, I honestly believe in stopping migration temporarily. I don't like the idea of other black kids feeling the same way that I do, like my little sister. Low racial self esteem is honestly a killer. Black people as a community need to start bettering themselves for the benefit of all of us. We need to stay in our countries and fix them, to allow our children to grow up in a good environment. Once we've done that is when we can start migrating, bringing hard workers and intelligent people to the west and finally end harsh and negative stereotypes about us. But sadly this will never happen

The Africans ignorance and pride will forever be the reason we will never progress. The inability to admit that the our failure to progress in the modern world is our own fault will forever be our downfall, our ability to blame and point the finger at everyone else exceeds any other races. The moment any black person points out a flaw in the community as a whole they are shunned. The fact that I'm not able to single-handedly take on corruption in Africa pisses me off.

Once again I am not a self-hating black person, I just have the ability to recognise our flaws and will always fight for black people, which is why I am in full support of TAI (Total African Improvement)

I honestly posted this hear to hopefully get some white guys to see the world a completely different point of view. I know that a lot of you are very apathetic towards this kind of thing, upon posting this I realise that I'm gonna get a lot of DNR's but honestly I'm just happy to have typed this out. I'm gonna copy and paste this and probably post it on some other subreddits. If you did read thanks.
to be honest, i am not entirely educated on some of these points here so i cannot form an opinion on them, but the others i do agree on. tbh, use it as motivation, fight through every single crippling difficulty and prove them wrong. it will always be hard, always. but your character will improve, you will become disciplined, hard working, perseverant, and resilient. also, i do believe that the right person will appear. it may seem difficult to find a partner, but maybe you will find him somewhere, and he will be right for you. and he will be special because he is different from all the other people you have met. i also like the fact that you see people for their individuality and not their race :).
sorry if i sounded gay riting this, this is just my thoughts 😭
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  • #10
maybe move out to uk
Nah I'd say it's even worse there with the roadman who act like fools on the streets. Black people in Ireland are a lot more timid, but there are still those wannabe gangsters who bring our rep down.
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  • #11
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  • #12
to be honest, i am not entirely educated on some of these points here so i cannot form an opinion on them, but the others i do agree on. tbh, use it as motivation, fight through every single crippling difficulty and prove them wrong. it will always be hard, always. but your character will improve, you will become disciplined, hard working, perseverant, and resilient. also, i do believe that the right person will appear. it may seem difficult to find a partner, but maybe you will find him somewhere, and he will be right for you. and he will be special because he is different from all the other people you have met. i also like the fact that you see people for their individuality and not their race :).
sorry if i sounded gay riting this, this is just my thoughts
Thank you so much, I'm happy to hear this, I'm definitely gonna do my best. If I don't get into a good Uni I don't know what I'd do with myself honestly, I'd just be a f*****g failure
Honestly, sometimes I wish I was raised in Africa
you do not want to be born in africa

there are certain types of irish people that are subhuman

TAI (Total African Improvement)
based, Wakanda IRL would be interesting

i am transhuman
based, check out my new VR thread
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #14
Honestly, sometimes I wish I was raised in Africa
you do not want to be born in africa
I used to live in Africa for a while. A lot of people think that the entire continent is just a shithole. Ya there's a lot of shitty parts but also a huge disparity in wealth. My mother was from the richer side. The house she used to live in would leave you in shock. The school I used to go to was amazing, there was a lot of white kids too. (this is all about tanzania)
you do not want to be born in africa

there are certain types of irish people that are subhuman

based, Wakanda IRL would be interesting

based, check out my new VR thread
I used to live in Africa for a while. A lot of people think that the entire continent is just a shithole. Ya there's a lot of shitty parts but also a huge disparity in wealth. My mother was from the richer side. The house she used to live in would leave you in shock. The school I used to go to was amazing, there was a lot of white kids too. (this is all about tanzania)
That's what I'm saying Africa is actually developing now less corruption. Imma say by 2050 all of Africa will be devolped
I'm form kenya tho :)
This is definitely the wrong place to post this and a lot of people aren't going care nor read and this might get me banned but God being black in a white country f*****g sucks. Honestly, sometimes I wish I was raised in Africa. I'm not self-hating black person, I'm definitely proud of my culture and my heritage but God why did I have to be raised in f*****g IRELAND. The majority of my self-esteem issues stem from from me being a black girl in a white country
Since the majority of you guys are literally the complete opposite of what I am, let me list the reasons being black specifically a girl sucks and why (sometimes) I get jealous of white people. (This is more specifically about 2nd gen immigrants and not African-Americans)

1. Your entire race is treated like a f*****g hivemind:

Lets say someone commits a crime, you don't know this person, it's just a complete randomer and they live in an entirely different area than you BUT this person happens to be the same race as you, boom your entire reputation is torn down, you're violent, it's just in your nature. Like, WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH ME. I don't know this person, why are you associating me with this f*****g person. I could associate you with the fella I saw punch an elderly woman in tescos last week but I don't because I have day to day interactions with people and view them as individuals with different experiences, opinions and values no matter what race they are.

2. You're unattractive by their metrics

This is going to be the most controversial point here since a lot of people here do believe that Eurocentric beauty is just objectively more attractive than Afrocentric. As someone who's lived in Africa I beg to differ. Their values in woman are very different to the ones here, what they find beautiful in women is very different to here. Going back to Africa always gives me the biggest boost in confidence. Suddenly I'm a ten, moment I come back here I'm a 3.
(This doesn't go for black guys, more specific for black women)

I believe that your attitude towards a certain race, how you personally feel about them, how often you're around them, if you dislike/like them can heavily influence your physical attraction to them. I used to be very attracted to black men but soon after being constantly belittled and bullied by them I physically was not attracted to them anymore. I'm attracted to white guys because white men are all you ever see everywhere when living in a white country. Majority of movie stars are white men/boys. The Disney channel shows I watched had white boys, majority of my classmates are white boys, I'm literally surrounded by white men, of course I'm going to be attracted to them.

3. You're held to a higher standard.

The moment you're born, you've got things to accomplish so you don't disappoint your aunties back in Africa. Your managers and your teachers notice your every flaw and all of your mistakes, you constantly notice your classmates being let off for things that the same teacher would've killed you for. The pressure of knowing that your mother migrated for you to have better opportunities and all the while your rep is being dragged down by some other stupid black guy who's mother immigrated here for him to just become a gang member or some loud mouthed black girl that everyone mistakes you for.

4.. Racism...

Most definitely the most obvious one. Everyone always talks about how bad it is to be a racist but no one actually talks about how much it f*****g sucks to the person getting racially abused. Especially now, I can't avoid it, I swear the internet has gotten ten times more racist then it used to be. I wish white guys had more empathy. They've never been a black person, they've never understood how it feels that you're entire race is just a joke to them, your entire life is just a joke, haha n****r so funny and you're just supposed to let your entire identity be mocked, or else your woke or sensitive. I wish I had the freedom of waking up everyday and not having to worry about the fact that I'm f*****g black and in a white country. I have to choose my friends a lot more carefully, I have to realise I'm not going be treated the same way as my friends, I'm not free to make the same mistakes as them. The thing about a lot of white people is they think that this shit is an exaggeration, my race has definitely impacted at least 80% of my life. I'd say if I had the exact same circumstances as a white woman, I wouldn't be nearly as depressed as I am now or be in the same place at all.

I think racism is a big reason I don't know how to interact with a lot of white boys, I just assume their all racist and avoid them, I can only talk to the gay ones and even sometimes the gay ones are f*****g assholes, I don't like doing this, I firmly believe in people being individuals but God I feel like the majority of them are racist or say racist jokes, a lot of people are going to say "racist jokes aren't bad, there just jokes". My brother in Christ, you've never been a black person. You don't know how it feels to have your whole identity constantly mocked, ridiculed and taken as a joke, me being black isn't just a part of me, it is me, I am black. I wish a white guy could see how it feels to be a black person maybe then they'd have a bit more empathy. White men are so lucky, there's nothing to mock about them. I am a black woman, that's double f*****g homicide, white guys will never know how that shit feels yet will claim that I shouldn't be bothered by it or that I'm being sensitive.

In all racism just sucks, I've never been racist towards white people and I never will be, I've been called a n****r more times than I can count IRL but I've never said any racist shit back, I will only ever attack the individual not their race.

In all:

Sometimes, I honestly believe in stopping migration temporarily. I don't like the idea of other black kids feeling the same way that I do, like my little sister. Low racial self esteem is honestly a killer. Black people as a community need to start bettering themselves for the benefit of all of us. We need to stay in our countries and fix them, to allow our children to grow up in a good environment. Once we've done that is when we can start migrating, bringing hard workers and intelligent people to the west and finally end harsh and negative stereotypes about us. But sadly this will never happen

The Africans ignorance and pride will forever be the reason we will never progress. The inability to admit that the our failure to progress in the modern world is our own fault will forever be our downfall, our ability to blame and point the finger at everyone else exceeds any other races. The moment any black person points out a flaw in the community as a whole they are shunned. The fact that I'm not able to single-handedly take on corruption in Africa pisses me off.

Once again I am not a self-hating black person, I just have the ability to recognise our flaws and will always fight for black people, which is why I am in full support of TAI (Total African Improvement)

I honestly posted this hear to hopefully get some white guys to see the world a completely different point of view. I know that a lot of you are very apathetic towards this kind of thing, upon posting this I realise that I'm gonna get a lot of DNR's but honestly I'm just happy to have typed this out. I'm gonna copy and paste this and probably post it on some other subreddits. If you did read thanks.
in the uk black men not so much women have alot of appeal
I used to live in Africa for a while. A lot of people think that the entire continent is just a shithole. Ya there's a lot of shitty parts but also a huge disparity in wealth. My mother was from the richer side. The house she used to live in would leave you in shock. The school I used to go to was amazing, there was a lot of white kids too. (this is all about tanzania)
Similar things about india too
This is definitely the wrong place to post this and a lot of people aren't going care nor read and this might get me banned but God being black in a white country f*****g sucks. Honestly, sometimes I wish I was raised in Africa. I'm not self-hating black person, I'm definitely proud of my culture and my heritage but God why did I have to be raised in f*****g IRELAND. The majority of my self-esteem issues stem from from me being a black girl in a white country
Since the majority of you guys are literally the complete opposite of what I am, let me list the reasons being black specifically a girl sucks and why (sometimes) I get jealous of white people. (This is more specifically about 2nd gen immigrants and not African-Americans)

1. Your entire race is treated like a f*****g hivemind:

Lets say someone commits a crime, you don't know this person, it's just a complete randomer and they live in an entirely different area than you BUT this person happens to be the same race as you, boom your entire reputation is torn down, you're violent, it's just in your nature. Like, WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH ME. I don't know this person, why are you associating me with this f*****g person. I could associate you with the fella I saw punch an elderly woman in tescos last week but I don't because I have day to day interactions with people and view them as individuals with different experiences, opinions and values no matter what race they are.

2. You're unattractive by their metrics

This is going to be the most controversial point here since a lot of people here do believe that Eurocentric beauty is just objectively more attractive than Afrocentric. As someone who's lived in Africa I beg to differ. Their values in woman are very different to the ones here, what they find beautiful in women is very different to here. Going back to Africa always gives me the biggest boost in confidence. Suddenly I'm a ten, moment I come back here I'm a 3.
(This doesn't go for black guys, more specific for black women)

I believe that your attitude towards a certain race, how you personally feel about them, how often you're around them, if you dislike/like them can heavily influence your physical attraction to them. I used to be very attracted to black men but soon after being constantly belittled and bullied by them I physically was not attracted to them anymore. I'm attracted to white guys because white men are all you ever see everywhere when living in a white country. Majority of movie stars are white men/boys. The Disney channel shows I watched had white boys, majority of my classmates are white boys, I'm literally surrounded by white men, of course I'm going to be attracted to them.

3. You're held to a higher standard.

The moment you're born, you've got things to accomplish so you don't disappoint your aunties back in Africa. Your managers and your teachers notice your every flaw and all of your mistakes, you constantly notice your classmates being let off for things that the same teacher would've killed you for. The pressure of knowing that your mother migrated for you to have better opportunities and all the while your rep is being dragged down by some other stupid black guy who's mother immigrated here for him to just become a gang member or some loud mouthed black girl that everyone mistakes you for.

4.. Racism...

Most definitely the most obvious one. Everyone always talks about how bad it is to be a racist but no one actually talks about how much it f*****g sucks to the person getting racially abused. Especially now, I can't avoid it, I swear the internet has gotten ten times more racist then it used to be. I wish white guys had more empathy. They've never been a black person, they've never understood how it feels that you're entire race is just a joke to them, your entire life is just a joke, haha n****r so funny and you're just supposed to let your entire identity be mocked, or else your woke or sensitive. I wish I had the freedom of waking up everyday and not having to worry about the fact that I'm f*****g black and in a white country. I have to choose my friends a lot more carefully, I have to realise I'm not going be treated the same way as my friends, I'm not free to make the same mistakes as them. The thing about a lot of white people is they think that this shit is an exaggeration, my race has definitely impacted at least 80% of my life. I'd say if I had the exact same circumstances as a white woman, I wouldn't be nearly as depressed as I am now or be in the same place at all.

I think racism is a big reason I don't know how to interact with a lot of white boys, I just assume their all racist and avoid them, I can only talk to the gay ones and even sometimes the gay ones are f*****g assholes, I don't like doing this, I firmly believe in people being individuals but God I feel like the majority of them are racist or say racist jokes, a lot of people are going to say "racist jokes aren't bad, there just jokes". My brother in Christ, you've never been a black person. You don't know how it feels to have your whole identity constantly mocked, ridiculed and taken as a joke, me being black isn't just a part of me, it is me, I am black. I wish a white guy could see how it feels to be a black person maybe then they'd have a bit more empathy. White men are so lucky, there's nothing to mock about them. I am a black woman, that's double f*****g homicide, white guys will never know how that shit feels yet will claim that I shouldn't be bothered by it or that I'm being sensitive.

In all racism just sucks, I've never been racist towards white people and I never will be, I've been called a n****r more times than I can count IRL but I've never said any racist shit back, I will only ever attack the individual not their race.

In all:

Sometimes, I honestly believe in stopping migration temporarily. I don't like the idea of other black kids feeling the same way that I do, like my little sister. Low racial self esteem is honestly a killer. Black people as a community need to start bettering themselves for the benefit of all of us. We need to stay in our countries and fix them, to allow our children to grow up in a good environment. Once we've done that is when we can start migrating, bringing hard workers and intelligent people to the west and finally end harsh and negative stereotypes about us. But sadly this will never happen

The Africans ignorance and pride will forever be the reason we will never progress. The inability to admit that the our failure to progress in the modern world is our own fault will forever be our downfall, our ability to blame and point the finger at everyone else exceeds any other races. The moment any black person points out a flaw in the community as a whole they are shunned. The fact that I'm not able to single-handedly take on corruption in Africa pisses me off.

Once again I am not a self-hating black person, I just have the ability to recognise our flaws and will always fight for black people, which is why I am in full support of TAI (Total African Improvement)

I honestly posted this hear to hopefully get some white guys to see the world a completely different point of view. I know that a lot of you are very apathetic towards this kind of thing, upon posting this I realise that I'm gonna get a lot of DNR's but honestly I'm just happy to have typed this out. I'm gonna copy and paste this and probably post it on some other subreddits. If you did read thanks.
irish are subhuman jfl get the hell out of there u will ascend way better in a place where ur insecurities dont stem off of something u cant change
u will be much more desired in different places w ur own race i recommend moving somewhere like us or uk
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  • #20
irish are subhuman jfl get the hell out of there u will ascend way better in a place where ur insecurities dont stem off of something u cant change
u will be much more desired in different places w ur own race i recommend moving somewhere like us or uk
I have no choice but to stay here for college
I have no choice but to stay here for college
damn that sucks bro im sorry
if u get the opportunity to do so definitely leave tho there r lots of good colleges in other places
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #22
damn that sucks bro im sorry
if u get the opportunity to do so definitely leave tho there r lots of good colleges in other places
I'm hoping it will be fine. My mother went to college here and she said she had the time if her life. all i can do is be positive
