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help me fix everything bronanas (im new)

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  • #10
Cause if you wanna better chance of attracting a guy, then you should do that; otherwise, you can just keep cutting since your a bisexual
1. i get more n*****s than bitches and 2. i dont think guys want a chubaka faced bodybuilder for a girlfriend. i want to be small enough to be picked up with one hand and make any of his clothes appear 'oversized'
1. i get more n*****s than bitches and 2. i dont think guys want a chubaka faced bodybuilder for a girlfriend. i want to be small enough to be picked up with one hand and make any of his clothes appear 'oversized'
You might be right tbh. If I was a guy, I don’t think I would want to date a really skinny girl tbh. This is just my opinion and what I believe to be an attractive girl. Another thing that you said is that you don’t wanna be to fat and I think your right also because I wouldn’t want to date a really thick girl. Whatever works for you, just do that! :D
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  • #14
You might be right tbh. If I was a guy, I don’t think I would want to date a really skinny girl tbh. This is just my opinion and what I believe to be an attractive girl. Another thing that you said is that you don’t wanna be to fat and I think your right also because I wouldn’t want to date a really thick girl. Whatever works for you, just do that! :D
i would be neither skinny or fat, search '60kg to 50kg transformation' on tiktok, it should make sense now
1. i get more n*****s than bitches and 2. i dont think guys want a chubaka faced bodybuilder for a girlfriend. i want to be small enough to be picked up with one hand and make any of his clothes appear 'oversized'
Try too find a healthy medium for you tht is still healthy but looks suitable

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