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Theory (Introduction/Theory) to grow a good jaw in developmental stages


Mar 3, 2024
Hello, fellow
I am Ghreater also known as long mandible joe on .org ( but you won't find me bc im, not an incel :coffee:). This is going to my progress throughout the years and some prospected theories I have developed through first-hand investigation showing a good jaws is made . (I REPEAT YOU DONT HAVE TO AGREE WITH ME ) plus this is my first thread so its not really that high effort .

Quick About Me
I am 17, 192 cm and the only reason on this forum is to spare information to the less fortunate and because I am still in high school and have plenty of spare free time BUT probably gonna leave at the end of the year because i have a life to live.
So as a kid, i had very messed up teeth ( picture below ) this caused my adult incisor teeth to overlap with my baby incisor teeth creating a shark looking set of teeth . This was all due to me not pulling out my baby teeth . Believe or not i used to have pretty good breathing habits through my nose despite everyone saying to " breath through you mouth because its better to allow for may air intake " jfl . But it caused my downfall .... due to the ORTHODONTICS.
Late grade 6
2. Why i believe orthodontics is a make it or brake it scenario ( basically mewinng rant )

So high school happened which then orthodontics caused me to have a very bad breathing habits and caused a weird looking skull and recessed jaw (pic bellow) this was all because my braces which not only was uncomfortable but developed a lot of saliva resulting in me using my mouth a lot and brought my confidence down . You see it all come down to genetics if you have a good jaw genetics , but if something happens which leads to you having to have treatment like braces it can hinder proper development of jaw growth .I beleive i was very lucky having it a young age rather starting at 14 per say because i was able to go back to proper breathing habits and correct myself.

Screenshot 2024-03-16 075628.png
Just a really odd skull probably the angle

3. Excerise / testmaxxing
Testerone is crucial for jaw development , so putting youself through excerises that stress and increase your hormones and just doing anything , i mean anything to increase T is very valuable ( indeed ) . Here's is a list of things you got to do and a study on test on facial growth :
* Sleep ( 7-8 )
* Zinc supplements
*Lifting weight
*Clean eating etc


Not only do i think hard chewed protein was crucial towards my height ( as i used to have meat of all sorts shoved down my throat as a attempt to pamper me and i hadn't stopped drink baby formula milk till i was in kindergarten ) but also it was crucial as it increase my exposure to testosterone as a toddler/ child while also growing my jaw through my teenage years . Heres some articles to prove it

Meat exposure in stopping stunted grow :
exposure assesment of prepubertal children to steroid endocrine disruptors ( meats, eggs and milk ) :

So basically this is what I believe to be crucial thing during developing years to achieve that crazy jaw , But your probably like well " Mr Ghreater , how would you know we havent seen your jaw , is it even good like you say " well my friend marvel at my beautifully projected jaw ...

good info
although the last pics are anglemaxxed
Stopped reading at "breathing" kek
YOUR FACE WILL ALWAYS STAY THE SAME. The only thing that changes is the quantity of fat and size. It will always retain the same shape you were born with.
Mewing and chewing hard foods and breathing "correctly" will definitely not change it. Your pics provided prove it jfl. Your chin is still recessed. Your jaw is the same as it was.
Growing your jaw may be possible, but you obviously can't choose the shape it's gonna grow in. If it's gonna grow it's definitely coming out in some undesirable ogre shape which you will need surgery to correct later.
If you have a shit incel jaw you can't just do muh natural healthy habits to get a chad jaw. You can maybe grow your jaw injecting T and HGH but it's gonna come out looking deformed.If growing your jaw is possible, then muh natural healthy habits aren't the solution lol.
your entitled to you opinion . But no thank you my jaw is not reccessed neither is my chin . plus with regards to facial growth you can clearly see my ramus getting longer .
It's not my opinion niggеr it's a fact. Depth perception is a thing. You literally included pics in different angles to prove your theory. Post a side profile pic, i dare you.
*Lifting weight
Lifting weights doesn't increase T, if that's what you're trying to say. Plus it's unhealthy and causes aging so it's a looksmin.
*Clean eating etc
Those are actually dangerous words that you just wrote down. Most people have the wrong idea of what "clean eating" actually looks like. And what's promoted as healthy foods are deadly.
So before you start slurs and what not coz your a troll
I'm not a troll. I'm the furthest away from a troll in fact. I'm just a blackpilled realist.
i only did it from a angle because to further highlight the shape of my jaw
Kek, so you're just frauding to give people an impression that results were actually achieved when in fact they weren't?
Thanks for proving my point.
That's not how it works. If you wanna show results you have to take a pic in the same angle retаrd
Anyway i would like to see your jaw since your here flaming my jaw
Why does it matter? It doesn't prove me any wrong. Are you still an animal? "Hurr durr my genetic better than youuu"
I'm not insulting your jaw in the first place. I'm just calling out your shit thread full of misinformation.
i never frauded
Yes you did. Frauding = trying to make it like you look one way when you don't using tricks like angle shifting, lighting, filters, makeup, etc... You did that.
i literally just said that its mostly gnetics and the only way to find out what your potential is , is to do what i reccomded above which is what happened to me as i kid . plus my whole family has jaw shit genes i beleive that what happened to me is a kid which was a whole lote of protein rich foods is what leads to my future jaw.
Your jaw is literally the same. You can't change your face, at least not in a way that gives desirable results. Im still waiting for side profile pic in the same angle you took that pic as a teen.
Here buddy now you can clearly see my jaw and it forward growth 👍 @Nihilus please tell him to stop being a dumb guy
dont wanna be toxic, this is not part of the other poster's barrage on you.

but what is this

u drew a line wrong, clearly it doesn't match the actual jaw line at all

i will show the actual jaw line here:
thin line the one i drew

and you missed the most important part, posture. Posture is the most important thing imo if you want better jaw bone placement
Cope everything u said is not true

i breathed from my mouth a lot (asthmatic)

i eat indian vegetarian diet

Meat 2-5 times a month (mostly chicken) but when i did i ate the bones too , cuz Indian spices and flavours make them taste good (i ate the bone marrow and i now have the ability to make a paste out of cooked bones with my teeth)

i didn't mew ever ( i didn't put the back of my tongue at the roof of my mouth i had normal tongue position)

I mog ur jaw and ir forward growth

(I was born at 4 kgs if this affects anything then plz tell with reference)
Did he self ban?
I saw him on an Instagram comment about finding Nihilus
does this work later on into growing years like 15/16+?
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