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News its over


Well-known member
Established Member
Aug 15, 2023
Been 10 minutes and my switch won't charge. They won't let you play any games until the battery is a certain amount.

looked for hyoid surgery all I found is looksmin surgery that makes your hyoid look worse

then this chad is talking about "mouthbreathing" and says all you have to do to get a better jawline is stop mouthbreathing... its over. i don't mouthbreathe to begin with and he would be a Chad even with his original mouthbreathing jawline:
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high iq video

too much facial asymmetry can lower looks value, this is because the ears want to align the balance to the world plane, but asymmetry causes at best vertigo in this, or it can cause motion sickness and discomfort when looking at somebody who has too much facial asymmetry.
Been 10 minutes and my switch won't charge. They won't let you play any games until the battery is a certain amount.

looked for hyoid surgery all I found is looksmin surgery that makes your hyoid look worse

then this chad is talking about "mouthbreathing" and says all you have to do to get a better jawline is stop mouthbreathing... its over. i don't mouthbreathe to begin with and he would be a Chad even with his original mouthbreathing jawline:
maybe a neck lift
get genio
Been 10 minutes and my switch won't charge. They won't let you play any games until the battery is a certain amount.

looked for hyoid surgery all I found is looksmin surgery that makes your hyoid look worse

then this chad is talking about "mouthbreathing" and says all you have to do to get a better jawline is stop mouthbreathing... its over. i don't mouthbreathe to begin with and he would be a Chad even with his original mouthbreathing jawline:
Jutting and not chad more mtn to htn
Been 10 minutes and my switch won't charge. They won't let you play any games until the battery is a certain amount.

looked for hyoid surgery all I found is looksmin surgery that makes your hyoid look worse

then this chad is talking about "mouthbreathing" and says all you have to do to get a better jawline is stop mouthbreathing... its over. i don't mouthbreathe to begin with and he would be a Chad even with his original mouthbreathing jawline:
There are methods to lift hyoid without surgery try them first and u can find them here if they are here or u can find them .org

Sexless what's your daily screen time
I am curious
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Sexless what's your daily screen time
I am curious
all day everyday

it gets boring after a while but its better than going outside and getting a oneitus